Anthony van Dyck, 1638 - Catherine Howard, Lady dAubigny - fine art print

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In the product dropdown lists you can pick a material and a size of your choice. Choose among the following product options now to match your preferences in size and material:

  • Poster (canvas material): The poster print is a UV printed sheet of canvas paper with a slightly rough surface finish. It is appropriate for putting your fine art print with a special frame. Please note, that depending on the size of the canvas poster print we add a white margin of around 2 - 6cm round about the print motif in order to facilitate the framing with your custom frame.
  • Aluminium dibond (metal print): Aluminium Dibond prints are metal prints with an outstanding depth effect - for a modern look and non-reflective surface.
  • Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating on top): A glossy print on acrylic glass, which is often named as a UV print on plexiglass, makes the original into wonderful home decoration. Your own copy of the work of art is being made with the help of modern UV print machines. The special effect of this are vibrant and deep colors. The great upside of an acrylic glass print is that contrasts plus small image details become identifiable due to the very fine tonal gradation in the print.
  • The canvas print: A canvas print is a printed canvas stretched on a wood frame. Your printed canvas of your favorite masterpiece will let you turn your customized fine art print into a large size artwork like you would see in a gallery. Canvas Prints have the advantage of being relatively low in weight, which implies that it is easy to hang your Canvas print without any wall-mounts. That is why, canvas prints are suitable for any kind of wall.

Legal disclaimer: We try our utmost to describe the products in as much detail as possible and to showcase them visually. Although, some colors of the printed materials, as well as the printing can vary to a certain extent from the presentation on the device's screen. Depending on your settings of your screen and the condition of the surface, not all colors will be printed one hundret percent realistically. Given that all the fine art prints are printed and processed manually, there may also be slight discrepancies in the exact position and the size of the motif.

General information from National Gallery of Art (© - National Gallery of Art - National Gallery of Art)

Fashionably attired in a rose-colored dress with low-cut bodice and flowing sleeves, Catherine Howard, Lady d'Aubigny, looks over her shoulder with a proud and forthright gaze as she holds a floral wreath in her right hand. One of the many English aristocrats who commissioned portraits from Anthony van Dyck after he settled in London in 1632, Catherine Howard was the daughter of Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, and Elizabeth, daughter of George Lord Hume, Earl of Dunbar. She thus belonged to one of the wealthiest and most distinguished families in England.

It is probable that Van Dyck received this commission in 1638 at the time of Catherine's secret marriage to Lord George Stuart, Seigneur d'Aubigny. In the Arcadian ambience of the Stuart court, the floral wreath would have been recognized as a symbol of love and marriage. Stylistically, the portrait is also similar to other refined portraits of elegant women that Van Dyck executed in 1638, particularly in the delicate modeling of her ivory flesh and the flickering highlights of her silk dress.

[Source: NGA]

Note by the contributor Emily Wilkinson: Catherine Howard, or Lady d'Aubigny, was a well-known beauty in early modern high society. She married Lord George Stuart, and Van Dyck painted this portrait shortly after the wedding; the roses she holds refer to her new status as wife.

More information: Lady Aubigny on the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Information on the art product

This 17th century piece of art called Catherine Howard, Lady dAubigny was created by the male artist Anthony van Dyck in the year 1638. The original was painted with the following size: 106,7 x 85,4 cm (42 x 33 5/8 in) and was produced with the technique of oil on canvas. Furthermore, this work of art can be viewed in in the National Gallery of Art's collection located in Washington D.C., United States of America. We are glad to mention that the public domain piece of art is being provided with courtesy of National Gallery of Art, Washington.: . What is more, the alignment of the digital reproduction is portrait and has an image ratio of 1 : 1.2, which means that the length is 20% shorter than the width. The translator, author, dramaturge, painter, theater director, etcher Anthony van Dyck was an artist from the Netherlands, whose style was primarily Baroque. The Baroque painter lived for 42 years - born in 1599 in Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium and deceased in the year 1641.

Background information about the unique piece of art

Artwork name: "Catherine Howard, Lady dAubigny"
Artwork classification: painting
Category: classic art
Century: 17th century
Year of creation: 1638
Age of artwork: around 380 years
Medium of original artwork: oil on canvas
Artwork original size: 106,7 x 85,4 cm (42 x 33 5/8 in)
Museum / collection: National Gallery of Art
Place of the museum: Washington D.C., United States of America
web page:
License type of artwork: public domain
Courtesy of: National Gallery of Art, Washington

Structured item details

Print categorization: art print
Reproduction method: digital reproduction
Manufacturing method: digital printing (UV direct print)
Origin of the product: made in Germany
Type of stock: on demand
Intended usage: art print gallery, wall art
Alignment: portrait alignment
Image ratio: 1 : 1.2 (length : width)
Image ratio implication: the length is 20% shorter than the width
Materials you can choose: metal print (aluminium dibond), acrylic glass print (with real glass coating), poster print (canvas paper), canvas print
Canvas on stretcher frame (canvas print) variants: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47", 150x180cm - 59x71"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) sizes: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Poster print (canvas paper) size variants: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Aluminium print size options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Picture frame: without frame

Artist summary table

Artist name: Anthony van Dyck
Additional names: V. Dyke, A. van Dyk, Antonio Vandyck, Anthon van Dyck, Vandec, Anthony van Dyck, Vandeik Antoine, A. V. Dyke, Vandicco, Anthonius van Dyk, A Van Dyck, Dijck Anthonie, After Vandyck, van Deyck, Antoni van Dyck, Anton van Dyk, Vandycke, Wan Dick, Ant. van Dyks, Vandike, Van-Deĭk Antoni, Anton von Deyck, A. Van Dick, Antoine Vandik, Antonio van Dyk, Dijck Anton van, Valdiq, Antoine Wandick, Antoin Vandyk, Antoine Vandyck, Van Dyc, Van Vandyck, Vandaich, Wandih, Wan Dyck, Antonii van Dyck, Antony van Dyck, Vandeck, comme de Van Dyck, Vandyk, von Deick, Van Dyck Anthony, Van-Dyck, Anthonis van Dyck, Vandisco fiamengo, Van Dyck Antoon, Van Dyck Anthony Sir, Vandick Fiammengo, Antonius van Dyck, Antony van Dyk, Ant Van Dick, van dycke sir anthony, Antonie van Dyck, Valdique, Vandeique, Sir Anthony van Dyck, von Dyk, Anthony Vandycke, antoon van dyck, Vandych, Chevaliér van Dyk, Van Dyck Sir Anthony, Van Dyk, Antonio Vandik, den Ridder van Dyk, Dyck Antonis van, Van Dyk Anthony, A. Vandyke, Antonio Vandicch, Vandyck Anthony Sir, Badic, Anton Vandyk, Vannic, V. Dyck, Anttonio Vandique, A. v. Dyck, V Dyck, A. Vandyk, Van Dyck Anthonie, Antoine Van-Dyck, Chev. Anton van Dyk, Vandycke Anthony, Antonio van Deyc, Dijck Sir Anthony van, A. Van Dyc, Vandiche, Van Dich, Bandiq, Antony van Dijck, V Dyck, Vendeich, Vandyck Antonio, Vandyck Sir Anthony, Vandyke Anthony, Dyck Ant. van, Ant. Van Dyck, Vnaydke, A. Vandick, Antonio Vandych, van Dyck Anton., Anthonio van Dijk, דייק אנטוני ואן, c., Anthonis van Dijck, Vandyke Sir Anthony, Dijck Antoon, Anth. Vandyke, Dyck Antoon, Vandiq, Van Dyck School, Antoine Van-Dick, Anthony van Dyk, Antoine van Dyk, Wandik, Van Dyck, Anthoni van Dyck, Vandeich, van dyck sir anthony, A. Van-Dick, Sir Anthony Vandyck, vandic, Van Dyck Antonio, Wandyck, Anth. van Dyk, Ant. Vandeyck, dyck van a., Anthonie Van Dyck, Deick, dyck van, A. van Dycl, Van Deick, Antonio Dyck, Bandique, Dyck A. van, Vandich Antonio, Vandyck, Anthony Vandyke, Dyck Antoine van, Vandino, A. Vandyck, anthonys van dyck, Vau Dyke, Van-Dyk, A.v. Dyk, Ant.v. Dyck, Van-Dick, Dyck Ant. van, Antonio von Dyk, Vandicca, Ban Dycq, Antonio van Dyck, Van Dycke, Bandeique, Vand Duyke, A. v. Dyk, Vandech, A. Vandyck. en Italie, A. von Deyk, Antoni van Dyk, An. van Dyck, Vandich, sir a. van dyck, van dyck a., Sr. Ant. Van. Dych, Wandik Antonio, Ant. von Dyck, A. van Dijk, Ant. Vandick, Wanclelfef, Van Dycke Anthony, A. van-Dyck, Van Dick Anthony, Dyck Antonie van, Dyk Anthonis van, Anthony Vandyck, Anth. v. Dyck, Dyck Anthony van Sir, Van Dyck Anton, von Deycks, An. Dyk, Dyck Sir Anthony van, Antonio Vandich, Van Dich Antonio, Anthonius van Dijck, Sir A. Vandyck, Dyck Anthonis van, baldique, Vandicch Antonio, Antonio Wandik, Ant. Vandeick, Vannich, A.v. Dyck, Daĭk Antonis van, Sir Antonio Van Dyck, Ant. v. Dyk, dyck anton van, Anton de Dück, Vandick A., Vandyck Anthony, Dyck Sir, Van. Dyck, Van Dyke, Dyck Anton van, Anth. van Dyck, V. Dycke, Vandick, v. Dyk, antonis van dyck, Vandique Anttonio, Ant. v. Dyck, van dyck a., Antoine Vandeik, Dijk Anthony van, Ant v. Dyk, Ant. van Dyk, Ant. Vandyck, van Dyijck, Dyck, Antoine Van Dick, Dyck Anthonis van, Antoine Vandick, Vandichi, von Dyck, Sir Anthony Vandyke, Vandik, Wandich, Antoni v. Deick, Vandique, Dack, Vandyck &amp, Vandicche, Van Daĭk Antonis, Dyke, Antoine Vandich, A. Van Dyck, Ant. Van-Dyck, Antonio Vandichi fiamengho, Dyck Anthonie van, Van Dyck Antoine, antonys van dyck, Vandeic, Ant Van Dyck, A. Dyck, A. von Dyck, Antonio Vandik Fiammingo, Vandyke, Wandick, anthonius van dyck, von Deyck, Vandyck Sir Ant. Flem., Van Dych, Van Daik Anton, Anthonie van Dyk, Anton van Dyck, dyck van, Sir A. Vandyke, Van Dijck, A Vandyke, Vandik Antonio, Van Dyck Anthonis, Van Dick, Antoine van Dyck, A. Vandik, Ant. Van Dick, Dyck Anthony van, A. Vandych, v. Dychs, Anton von Dyck, Vandeyc, Anton van Dijck, Anthony Van Dyck Sir, Antonio van Deyck, Anthonij van Dijck, Vandych Antonio, Van. Dick, jan van dyck, Dyck Anthonie, Vandyck Sir Ant., bandio, After Van Dyck, Mandique, Van diq, Dyck Antoon van, Deĭk Antoni van, Van Dyck Antoon Sir, bandic, Dyk, Van Dijk, A. Van Dik, Antt.o van Deyck, A. Vaudick, Van-Deyck, Antoine Vandyk
Artist gender: male
Artist nationality: Dutch
Jobs: painter, author, theater director, dramaturge, translator, etcher
Country of the artist: the Netherlands
Classification of the artist: old master
Art styles: Baroque
Life span: 42 years
Born in the year: 1599
Place of birth: Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium
Year died: 1641
Died in (place): London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

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