Anthony van Dyck, 1633 - Queen Henrietta Maria with Sir Jeffrey Hudson - fine art print

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(© Copyright - National Gallery of Art -

In 1632 Anthony van Dyck was invited to England to work at the court of King Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria. In Van Dyck, the royal couple and the English aristocracy found an artist whose gifts perfectly matched their artistic sensitivities as well as their political needs and aspirations. Van Dyck infused his portraits of the king and queen, including this depiction of Queen Henrietta Maria at age 24, with a tenderness and warmth of expression that fully convey the ideals of peace and harmony that underlay their philosophy of divine right to rule. Charles I not only commissioned Van Dyck to paint portraits for his own collection but also as gifts for loyal courtiers, ambassadors, and foreign rulers. This magnificent portrait of the Queen is the type of painting that the king would traditionally present to a court favorite for political purposes.

Henrietta Maria, daughter of King Henri IV of France and sister of King Louis XIII, exerted a strong influence on court fashion and protocol, and introduced continental fashions and Italianate gardens to England. Van Dyck portrayed her dressed for the hunt in a brilliant blue satin riding costume with a delicate lace collar instead of the stiff and formal Elizabethan ruff still widely in use. Whereas the queen's graceful pose and demure expression are at once regal and endearing, her stylish wide-brim feathered black hat and shimmering dress create a sense of vibrancy and vitality.

The queen's love of entertainment is symbolized by the presence of 14-year-old Sir Jeffrey Hudson and Pug the monkey, both royal favorites. Hudson, a perfectly proportioned dwarf whose services had been offered to the queen as a young boy, possessed a ready wit, and became one of the Queen's trusted advisors, even joining her in exile in France in the early years of the English Civil Wars (1642–1651).

This portrait superbly demonstrates Van Dyck's working methods and the reasons for his phenomenal success. Even though the portrait shows a tall woman with an oval face, pointed chin, and long nose, the queen was reportedly petite, with a round head and delicate features. Van Dyck greatly idealized her in the portrait—and this artistic flattery must have pleased her. To further accentuate her status Van Dyck revisited a compositional idea he first developed in Genoa during the early 1620s with his portrait of Marchesa Elena Grimaldi Cattaneo (NGA 1942.9.92): he has portrayed the queen standing just beyond the portico of an imposing architectural structure. The fluted column emphasizes her already exaggerated height, and the crown and cloth of gold emphasize her royalty. In preparation for the portrait, Van Dyck must have done a careful study of Henrietta Maria's head, but as she probably posed only briefly for a sketch of the overall composition, he likely painted the actual portrait from a model or mannequin dressed in the queen's costume.

The orange tree behind Henrietta Maria, who was named after both her father, Henri IV of France, and her mother, Maria de' Medici, pays visual homage to her powerful Florentine ancestors. The Medici crest contains five gold balls, thought to represent oranges from the family's renowned citrus tree collection. A symbol of purity, chastity, and generosity, the orange tree was also associated with the Virgin Mary, Henrietta Maria's patron saint.

[Source: NGA]

Note by the contributor, Emily Wilkinson: This portrait depicts Queen Henrietta Maria, the French wife of King Charles I of Britain. As an aesthete the Queen, like her husband, appreciated material beauty and fashion, and this much is demonstrated here by her opulent blue dress. Jeffrey Hudson was the Queen's 'court dwarf'.

More on Wikipedia: Jeffrey Hudson

Structured artwork data

Name of the work of art: "Queen Henrietta Maria with Sir Jeffrey Hudson"
Artwork classification: painting
Category: classic art
Century: 17th century
Created in the year: 1633
Approximate age of artwork: more than 380 years
Painted on: oil on canvas
Size of the original artpiece: 219,1 x 134,8 cm (86 1/4 x 53 1/16 in)
Museum / location: National Gallery of Art
Location of museum: Washington D.C., United States of America
Available under:
License of artwork: public domain
Courtesy of: National Gallery of Art, Washington

General background information about the artist

Name: Anthony van Dyck
Other names: Dyck Ant. van, Antonii van Dyck, Bandeique, den Ridder van Dyk, Vandaich, Van Dich Antonio, Antoine Vandik, Chevaliér van Dyk, von Dyk, Van Dycke Anthony, Van Dyke, Vandike, Vandick A., Ant. v. Dyk, Anthony van Dyk, An. van Dyck, Vandych, Dyck A. van, A. v. Dyk, Antonio van Dyck, Van Dyck Antoine, Vandicch Antonio, Antoine van Dyk, Antonius van Dyck, Antoin Vandyk, Anton von Dyck, Ant Van Dyck, Wandik, Antoine Van Dick, Sir A. Vandyke, Deick, Vandik Antonio, Antoine Wandick, dyck van a., Antonio van Deyck, Ant v. Dyk, Vandyck Sir Ant. Flem., Van Dyck Anton, Vandyck Anthony Sir, Anthony van Dyck, Valdique, Van Dijck, van dycke sir anthony, Wandyck, A.v. Dyk, A. Van Dyc, Anton de Dück, Van. Dick, Antonio van Dyk, dyck van, Wandich, Dijck Anthonie, Sr. Ant. Van. Dych, Anthony Vandyck, Vandech, Dyck Sir Anthony van, Anthonis van Dijck, Antoine Van-Dyck, Van. Dyck, Van Dyck Antoon Sir, Van Dyck Anthonie, Dyck, Antonio Vandicch, Daĭk Antonis van, V Dyck, Van Dyck Sir Anthony, A Vandyke, Antt.o van Deyck, Anthonis van Dyck, Vandyck Sir Anthony, Vandiche, Dyck Anthonis van, Ant. Van Dyck, Anthon van Dyck, Vandich Antonio, Anth. van Dyck, Ant.v. Dyck, Vandisco fiamengo, Antoine Vandich, v. Dyk, Antoine van Dyck, c., Van Dyc, Van Dycke, A. Dyck, After Vandyck, Van Daĭk Antonis, baldique, Van-Dick, A. Vandick, Anton van Dyck, A. van Dycl, Dyck Antonie van, Anthonius van Dyk, Dyck Anthonis van, Vannich, Van Dych, Van Dich, Antonio van Deyc, von Deycks, Sir Anthony Vandyke, Vannic, Vendeich, A. Vandyck, Dijck Sir Anthony van, van Deyck, antonys van dyck, Vau Dyke, Vandyke Anthony, Anth. v. Dyck, Vandyck &amp, Antoine Vandeik, Van-Dyck, Dyck Anthonie van, Van Dyck Antoon, Antonio von Dyk, Antonio Wandik, Antoine Vandyck, Anton von Deyck, Ant. Vandyck, Vandyke, Van-Dyk, Antonio Vandych, Antony van Dyk, A. Van-Dick, van dyck a., vandic, V. Dyke, דייק אנטוני ואן, Vandyk, A. Van Dik, anthonys van dyck, bandio, A. von Deyk, Mandique, Ant. von Dyck, Dyck Anthony van Sir, Van Dick Anthony, Anthonie Van Dyck, van dyck sir anthony, Chev. Anton van Dyk, von Deick, Anthonius van Dijck, dyck anton van, A. Vaudick, Dyck Anthonie, Vandique, Anthonij van Dijck, Anton van Dijck, Ant. van Dyks, Dyck Antoon, Vandik, Van Deick, Antoine Vandick, von Dyck, v. Dychs, After Van Dyck, An. Dyk, A. van Dyk, Vandichi, Van Dyk, Antonio Vandik, Wan Dick, Vandyck, Van-Deĭk Antoni, Vandick, Vandeich, Antoni v. Deick, Ant. van Dyk, A. Vandyk, Sir Antonio Van Dyck, Van Dyck Anthony Sir, Dack, Van Daik Anton, Wandik Antonio, A.v. Dyck, Vandicco, von Deyck, Valdiq, Ant. v. Dyck, Dyke, Dyck Antoon van, Antoni van Dyk, Dyck Sir, Vandino, Vandycke, Vandyck Sir Ant., Wan Dyck, Van Dyck Anthony, Vandych Antonio, Dyck Ant. van, Van Dyk Anthony, comme de Van Dyck, Dijk Anthony van, A. Van Dyck, Dyck Anthony van, Van diq, Van Dyck School, Anthony Vandyke, Anton Vandyk, Sir Anthony van Dyck, Ban Dycq, Dyk, Ant. Van-Dyck, Vnaydke, dyck van, van Dyck Anton., Antonio Vandich, bandic, Dijck Anton van, A. Vandych, Dijck Antoon, Anthony Van Dyck Sir, Ant. Van Dick, Anthoni van Dyck, Antony van Dyck, Anthonio van Dijk, Anth. van Dyk, Vandyke Sir Anthony, Antoni van Dyck, Ant. Vandeyck, Vandycke Anthony, Vandicche, Anthonie van Dyk, Van Vandyck, Vandeique, Vandich, Van Dijk, Sir Anthony Vandyck, Vandeyc, Vand Duyke, van Dyijck, Vandeic, jan van dyck, Antoine Van-Dick, Dyk Anthonis van, Bandiq, Wandih, anthonius van dyck, Van Dick, V Dyck, Ant. Vandick, Badic, antonis van dyck, A. Van Dick, A. Vandik, A. v. Dyck, Vandiq, Wandick, Ant Van Dick, Van Dyck, A. Vandyke, Deĭk Antoni van, Bandique, A. V. Dyke, Sir A. Vandyck, Anth. Vandyke, Anthony Vandycke, Vandick Fiammengo, Vandec, A. van Dijk, Dyck Anton van, Van Dyck Anthonis, Antonio Vandichi fiamengho, Antony van Dijck, Vandyck Antonio, Van-Deyck, Antonio Vandyck, V. Dyck, Antoine Vandyk, Dyck Antonis van, Ant. Vandeick, Antonio Dyck, sir a. van dyck, van dyck a., A. van-Dyck, Vandeck, Van Dyck Antonio, Vandique Anttonio, Vandyck Anthony, Wanclelfef, V. Dycke, A Van Dyck, A. Vandyck. en Italie, Anttonio Vandique, antoon van dyck, Vandeik Antoine, Antonie van Dyck, Anton van Dyk, Vandicca, Antonio Vandik Fiammingo, Dyck Antoine van, A. von Dyck
Gender: male
Nationality of artist: Dutch
Professions of the artist: translator, author, theater director, painter, dramaturge, etcher
Country of origin: the Netherlands
Classification of the artist: old master
Styles: Baroque
Lifetime: 42 years
Born: 1599
Born in (place): Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium
Year of death: 1641
City of death: London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

The product

Print prodct: fine art print
Reproduction: digital reproduction
Production technique: UV direct print
Manufacturing: Germany
Stock type: production on demand
Intended product use: wall décor, home design
Artwork alignment: portrait format
Image aspect ratio: length to width 9 : 16
Interpretation of image ratio: the length is 45% shorter than the width
Item material variants: poster print (canvas paper), metal print (aluminium dibond), canvas print, acrylic glass print (with real glass coating)
Canvas on stretcher frame (canvas print): 50x90cm - 20x35", 100x180cm - 39x71"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) options: 50x90cm - 20x35", 100x180cm - 39x71"
Poster print (canvas paper) options: 50x90cm - 20x35"
Aluminium dibond print size variants: 50x90cm - 20x35"
Art print framing: no frame

Select your material

We offer a range of various materials and sizes for every product. We allow you to pick your favorite size and material among the following product individualization options:

  • Aluminium dibond print (metal): This is a metal print made on aluminium dibond material with an impressive depth effect - for a modern impression and a non-reflective surface structure. A direct Aluminium Dibond Print is your excellent start to fine art replicas on aluminum.
  • Print on glossy acrylic glass: The print on acrylic glass, which is often referenced as a fine art print on plexiglass, changes your favorite artwork into brilliant home décor and forms a distinct alternative option to aluminium and canvas fine art replicas. Our plexiglass protects your chosen art replica against sunlight and external influences for decades.
  • The canvas print: A canvas print is a printed cotton canvas mounted on a wood frame. Canvas prints are relatively low in weight, meaning that it is easy and straightforward to hang up your Canvas print without the use of additional wall-mounts. Therefore, a canvas print is suited for any type of wall.
  • Poster on canvas material: The poster print is a printed sheet of flat canvas with a fine surface structure. Please bear in mind, that depending on the absolute size of the canvas poster print we add a white margin of around 2-6 cm round about the painting to facilitate the framing with your custom frame.

About this article

Queen Henrietta Maria with Sir Jeffrey Hudson is a piece of art by Anthony van Dyck. The original of the work of art measures the size: 219,1 x 134,8 cm (86 1/4 x 53 1/16 in). Oil on canvas was applied by the European painter as the technique for the artpiece. Nowadays, this work of art is part of the National Gallery of Art's digital art collection in Washington D.C., United States of America. The classic art artwork, which belongs to the public domain is included with courtesy of National Gallery of Art, Washington.The creditline of the artwork is the following: . Further, the alignment of the digital reproduction is in portrait format with a ratio of 9 : 16, which means that the length is 45% shorter than the width. The translator, author, dramaturge, painter, theater director, etcher Anthony van Dyck was an artist from the Netherlands, whose style was primarily Baroque. The Baroque painter was born in the year 1599 in Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium and died at the age of 42 in the year 1641 in London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom.

Legal note: We try our best to depict the art products as exact as possible and to display them visually. Still, some pigments of the printing material and the imprint can vary somehwat from the image on your device's screen. Depending on your settings of your screen and the condition of the surface, not all color pigments are printed as exactly as the digital version on this website. Since our art reproductions are processed and printed manually, there may also be slight discrepancies in the size and exact position of the motif.

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