Adriaen van der Werff, 1694 - A Couple Making Love in a Park Spied on by Children - fine art print

672 kr

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Artwork specifications by Rijksmuseum (© - by Rijksmuseum - Rijksmuseum)

The Rotterdam painter Adriaen van der Werff made elegant, meticulously executed little paintings. This was the style of the Dutch fijnschilders (‘fine painters’), who worked in a highly polished manner to depict reality as precisely as possible. The skin of the woman here is painted so smoothly it looks like porcelain. She looks out at us, realizing that she and her lover are being spied on by us, as well as the two children behind the bushes.

Information on the art product

In 1694 Adriaen van der Werff created this work of art A Couple Making Love in a Park Spied on by Children. Moveover, this work of art belongs to the digital art collection of Rijksmuseum. With courtesy of: Rijksmuseum (license: public domain).: . On top of that, alignment is in portrait format and has an image ratio of 1 : 1.2, meaning that the length is 20% shorter than the width. Adriaen van der Werff was a male architect, painter, sculptor from the Netherlands, whose style was primarily Baroque. The artist was born in the year 1659 in South Holland, Netherlands and died at the age of 63 in the year 1722 in Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands.

Selectable materials

We offer a range of different sizes and materials for every product. You can choose among the following product customization options:

  • Canvas: The UV printed canvas material applied on a wood frame. A printed canvas of this masterpiece will allow you to transform your new fine art print into a large work of art like you would see in a gallery. Canvas Prints have the advantage of being low in weight, which means that it is easy to hang up your Canvas print without any wall-mounts. Because of thata canvas print is suitable for any type of wall.
  • Aluminium print (aluminium dibond): An Aluminium Dibond print is a print with an outstanding effect of depth. The Aluminium Dibond Print is the perfect introduction to fine art replicas produced with aluminum. For the Print On Aluminum Dibond, we print the favorite artwork onto the aluminium white-primed surface. The bright and white components of the original work of art shimmer with a silky gloss but without glare. The colors are bright and luminous, details appear crisp and clear, and you can perceive a matte appearance.
  • Print on acrylic glass: The acrylic glass print, which is sometimes denoted as a UV print on plexiglass, makes the original into home décor and offers a viable alternative option to canvas or aluminium dibond prints. The major upside of an acrylic glass fine art copy is that contrasts as well as details will be visible because of the fine tonal gradation of the picture. Our acrylic glass protects your custom art print against light and external influences for up to 6 decades.
  • Poster (canvas material): Our poster is a UV printed sheet of canvas with a granular surface texture. Please bear in mind, that depending on the absolute size of the poster print we add a white margin of something between 2-6cm around the artwork, which facilitates the framing.

General background information on the artist

Artist name: Adriaen van der Werff
Alternative names: C. A. van der Werff, a. v. d. werff, Vanderwergh Adriaen, Le Ch. van der Werff, Chevalier Vanderwerf, Ch. V. Warf, Le chevalier A. Vander Werff, Adrien Van der Werff, Adrian van de Werff, von der Werff, A.V. Werff, Van-der-Verf, Wanderverf Adriaen, Vander Veerf, Chev. van de Werff, Adrien Vander-Werf, Chevalier Vande Werf, C. Vanderwerf, Adrien Vander Werff, werff adriaen, A. V. der Werff, Vanderverf, Van der Werf, von der Werft, den Ridder Adriaan vander Werf, Ritter van der Werff, v.d. Werff, ad. v. d. werff, Adrien Vanderwerf, V. der Werfe, Le Chevalier Van der Verf, Vander Werff Adriaen, Chevalier Vander Werf, A. vande Werf, van d. Werf, Chevalier van der Werf, Wanderff Adriaen, Adrian vander Werf, Vanderverff, Vandreverf, Ridder A. van der Werff, Vanderverffe Adriaen, Ridder vander Werf, Werff Adrian Vander, Van der Werf Adriaen, adriaen v. d. werff, V.der Werff, Vanderwergh, Chevalier vander Verf, Chev. Vander Werff, Chevalier Vandervef, Audrian Vanderwarf, A.-D. Vanderneffe, Wanderff, Chevalier Van de Werff, werff adrian van der, adriaen von der werff, Vander Warff, Werff Adriaen van der, Ad. Vanderwerf, Adrien Vanderweerf, Chav. Vandewerf, Adrien de Vert, Vanderwerff Adriaen, Le Chevalier Vander-Werf, Werfe Adriaen van der, Werf Adriaen van der, Wanderwarf, Adrien Van der Werf, Chev. Adrian van der Werff, Van d. Werff, A. vander Werf, den Ridder vander Werf, Wanderwarf Adriaen, Werff Adriaan van der, Werfe, Chev. V. der Werff, den Ridder van der Werff, Adrien Vander Verf, Adriaen van der Werff, Le Chevalier A. Vanderwerff, Le Chevalier Vanderwerff, adraen v. d. werff, Van der Werff, Venderwerf Adriaen, Le Chevalier A. Vander Werf, Vanderwerff, den Ridder A. van der Werf, Chevelier Vanderwerf, adriaen van d. werff, Adrien Vander Werf, V. de Werff, Werff Adrian Vander Holl., Adrien van der Wef, Vander Werf, a. van d. werff, Wanderwerf Adriaen, de Ridder vander Werf, Vander Verf, V. der Werff, Van Werff, Vanderwerfe Adriaen, Le Chevalier Vander Verf, werff a. van der, van der Werft, Le chevalier Van der Werff, Chevallier von der Werff, Adrian van der Werf, D.V. Werff, Ad. Vander Werf, A. van der Werff, De Ridder van der Werf, Chevalier Van der Warf, Chev. V. Werf, Adrian Vanderwerf, Ridder van der Werff, Adrien Vanderwerff, A. Vanderverff, A VanderWerff, Wanderverff, Warf Adriaen van der, Le Ch. Adrien van der Werff, Chevalier van Dewerf, Chevalier Vander Werff, Adrian van der Werft, A. V. D. Werf, Chev. Vanderwerf, Vanderverffe, V. der Werf, werff adriaan van der chevalier, Wander Werff, Van Der Verf, den Ridder Vander Werff, Chevalier Vanderverff, Chev. V.D. Werff, Vanderwerfe, van der Verff, v. der Werfft, A. Vanderwerff, Werff, V. D. Werf, Adr. Vanderwerf, den Ridder van der Werf, Vanderwerf Adrian, A.D. Werf, van der Verf Adrien, Wanderwerf, Vander Werf Adriaen, adriaan van der werff, Vander Vert, A. van der Werf, V. D. Werff, Chevalier V.D. Warf, Venderwerf, Le CH. Van der Werf, ad. van der werff, Van der Werve, C. Vander Werf, adrian von der werff, Adrien van der Verf, Adrien van de Werf chevalier, Van der Werfft, Vanderwerf Adriaen, Ad. Van Derwerf, Le Chevalier Adrien Vander Werff, Vanderwerf, Vander Werff, Chev. Van der Werf, C. Vandewerf, Caval. Vanderwerff, Cav. Vanderwerf, Chevalier Adrian van der Werff, V.D. Werf, Adrien Vander Weerf, Adrian van der Werff, Par le Chevalier van der Werff, adr. v. d. werff, V.D. Warf, Adrien Vanderverf, Wetff Adriaen van der, A. Vanderwerf, Chev. Van der Werff, Chevalier Van der Werff, adriaen van der werf, V. de Wetff, Wanderverf, Le Chevalier A. Van Der Werf, Van der Werve Adriaen, Van der Werff Adriaen, Chevalier Vanderwerff, Le chevalier Adrien Vander Werf
Gender: male
Artist nationality: Dutch
Professions: sculptor, painter, architect
Country of origin: the Netherlands
Classification: old master
Styles of the artist: Baroque
Lifespan: 63 years
Born: 1659
Born in (place): South Holland, Netherlands
Died: 1722
Town of death: Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands

Background information on the unique artwork

Work of art title: "A Couple Making Love in a Park Spied on by Children"
Artwork classification: painting
Category: classic art
Period: 17th century
Created in the year: 1694
Artwork age: more than 320 years
Museum / location: Rijksmuseum
Place of the museum: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Website of the museum:
Artwork license: public domain
Courtesy of: Rijksmuseum

Structured item details

Product classification: fine art print
Reproduction method: digital reproduction
Production technique: digital printing (UV direct print)
Origin of the product: Germany
Stock type: on demand
Product usage: wall décor, home design
Orientation: portrait alignment
Image ratio: (length : width) 1 : 1.2
Meaning of image aspect ratio: the length is 20% shorter than the width
Available product fabrics: metal print (aluminium dibond), canvas print, acrylic glass print (with real glass coating), poster print (canvas paper)
Canvas print (canvas on stretcher frame) variants: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Poster print (canvas paper) sizes: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Aluminium print size variants: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Framing of the artprint: without frame

Disclaimer: We try our utmost in order to describe our products in as much detail as possible and to display them visually. Please bear in mind that the colors of the print products and the printing can differ slightly from the image on your screen. Depending on the screen settings and the quality of the surface, not all color pigments are printed one hundret percent realistically. Given that all the fine art prints are printed and processed by hand, there may as well be slight discrepancies in the exact position and the size of the motif.

© Copyright of, (Artprinta)

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