Anthony van Dyck, 1623 - Marchesa Balbi - fine art print

334 kr

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  • Printed poster (canvas material): A poster print is a printed sheet of cotton canvas paper with a slightly roughened texture on the surface, which reminds the original work of art. Please bear in mind, that depending on the absolute size of the poster print we add a white margin of around 2-6cm round about the print motif to facilitate the framing.
  • Aluminium dibond print (metal): An Aluminium Dibond print is a material with a true depth effect. A direct Aluminium Dibond Print is the excellent start to fine art reproductions with aluminum. For our Direct Aluminium Dibond print, we print the chosen work of art onto the aluminium composite surface. The bright and white parts of the original artwork shine with a silk gloss, however without any glow.
  • Canvas: A canvas print is a printed cotton canvas mounted on a wood frame. A canvas creates a familiar and comfy feeling. Canvas prints are relatively low in weight, which means that it is quite simple to hang up your Canvas print without the help of additional wall-mounts. Hence, a canvas print is suited for all types of walls.
  • Acrylic glass print: The print on acrylic glass, which is sometimes described as a print on plexiglass, will transform your favorite artwork into beautiful wall décor. Your favorite artwork is custom-made with the help of modern UV printing technology. This creates the impression of vibrant and sharp color tones. The major benefit of a plexiglass print is that contrasts and also minor details will be visible with the help of the fine tonal gradation in the picture. Our real glass coating protects your custom fine art print against sunlight and external influences for several decades.

Disclaimer: We try our best in order to depict our art products as accurate as possible and to illustrate them visually on the various product detail pages. Nonetheless, the pigments of the printing material, as well as the printing might vary to a certain extent from the representation on your screen. Depending on the screen settings and the quality of the surface, color pigments may not be printed as exactly as the digital version depicted here. Bearing in mind that all the are printed and processed manually, there might also be minor variations in the motif's size and exact position.

Artwork information by the museum's website (© - National Gallery of Art - National Gallery of Art)

In this majestic full-length portrait, Marchesa Balbi sits frontally in a high-backed chair, her elegant, deep-green dress trimmed with gold brocade billowing around her. She gazes directly out at the viewer with disarming warmth, given the extraordinary sumptuousness of her costume. With one hand resting on her lap and the other dangling a fan against her dress, she seems relaxed and natural, and the portrait feels unexpectedly personal despite its large scale and imposing grandeur.

Anthony van Dyck had a remarkable ability to understand his patrons' personalities and to reflect them in his portraiture. Although the precise identity of this young and attractive member of the Balbi family is not known, the Balbis were prominent members of the Genoese aristocracy. They commissioned a number of portraits from Van Dyck in the mid-1620s. His relationship with the Balbi family may even have preceded his trip to Italy, as a branch of the family lived in his hometown of Antwerp.

The grand, elegant style of this painting owes much to Van Dyck's one-time mentor Peter Paul Rubens, who had traveled to Genoa in the first decades of the 17th century and executed a number of imposing portraits, such as Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria (also in the Gallery's collection). Van Dyck would have seen these portraits after he arrived in Genoa in 1621. Although Van Dyck was inspired by Rubens's portraits, he brought an entirely different expressive character to his own work. In this example, he has softened the architectural qualities of the Marchesa's costume and introduced elements of informality in her pose and in the undulating ripple in the oriental carpet beneath the her feet, further enhancing the portrait's engaging tenderness and candor.

[Source: NGA]

Note by the contributor Emily Wilkinson: Like many of his contemporaries, Van Dyck displayed an interest in fashion, and his treatment of fabrics in courtly and elite portraits, like this one, supports this. Note how distinctive and 'realistic' the different materials in this portrait are: the lace, the brocade, and the velvet of the Marchesa's dress are all carefully depicted by Van Dyck.

More from the NGA: Marchesa Balbi from the tour Sir Anthony van Dyck

Description of this over 390 year-old work of art

This classic art work of art was painted by the artist Anthony van Dyck in 1623. The beyond 390 year-old original was painted with the size - 196,5 x 133,8 cm (77 3/8 x 52 11/16 in) and was painted with the technique oil on canvas. Nowadays, the artpiece can be viewed in in the digital art collection of National Gallery of Art. This artpiece, which is in the public domain is being supplied with courtesy of National Gallery of Art, Washington.Creditline of the artwork: . In addition to this, the alignment of the digital reproduction is portrait and has an image ratio of 2 : 3, which means that the length is 33% shorter than the width. Anthony van Dyck was a translator, author, dramaturge, painter, theater director, etcher from the Netherlands, whose artistic style was primarily Baroque. The artist was born in the year 1599 in Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium and passed away at the age of 42 in the year 1641.

Background data about the artwork

Name of the work of art: "Marchesa Balbi"
Categorization of the work of art: painting
Art classification: classic art
Century: 17th century
Artpiece year: 1623
Artwork age: more than 390 years
Painted on: oil on canvas
Dimensions of the original work of art: 196,5 x 133,8 cm (77 3/8 x 52 11/16 in)
Museum / collection: National Gallery of Art
Museum location: Washington D.C., United States of America
Website of the museum:
License type of artwork: public domain
Courtesy of: National Gallery of Art, Washington

The product specs

Article categorization: art copy
Reproduction: reproduction in digital format
Production technique: digital printing (UV direct print)
Production: German-made
Stock type: production on demand
Product use: wall decoration, home design
Alignment of the image: portrait alignment
Image aspect ratio: 2 : 3 length to width
Interpretation: the length is 33% shorter than the width
Fabric choices: poster print (canvas paper), acrylic glass print (with real glass coating), canvas print, metal print (aluminium dibond)
Canvas print (canvas on stretcher frame): 20x30cm - 8x12", 40x60cm - 16x24", 60x90cm - 24x35", 80x120cm - 31x47", 100x150cm - 39x59"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) variants: 20x30cm - 8x12", 40x60cm - 16x24", 60x90cm - 24x35", 80x120cm - 31x47", 100x150cm - 39x59"
Poster print (canvas paper) size variants: 40x60cm - 16x24", 60x90cm - 24x35", 80x120cm - 31x47"
Dibond print (alumnium material) variants: 20x30cm - 8x12", 40x60cm - 16x24", 60x90cm - 24x35", 80x120cm - 31x47"
Picture frame: without frame

Artist metadata table

Name of the artist: Anthony van Dyck
Other artist names: Van Dyck Anthonis, Antonio van Dyk, Vannic, A. van-Dyck, Ant. v. Dyk, Vandeich, Van Dijk, Van Dycke, Wan Dyck, Vandyke Sir Anthony, Ant.v. Dyck, Ant. Vandeyck, A. van Dijk, Antoin Vandyk, Vandeique, Ant. Van-Dyck, Vandych Antonio, Van-Dyck, Vandiq, Sir Anthony Vandyck, Vandycke Anthony, antoon van dyck, Van Dyck, A. Vaudick, Van. Dick, Ant. von Dyck, A.v. Dyck, V Dyck, Antoni v. Deick, Van-Deĭk Antoni, Wandich, Van Dyck School, von Deick, Antonio Dyck, Vandec, Van Vandyck, Dyck Ant. van, Van Dijck, Dyke, Vandique, Van Dyke, Antony van Dijck, Van Dych, Antonio Vandik Fiammingo, Ant. Van Dyck, Chevaliér van Dyk, Vandyck Antonio, Antoine Vandyck, A.v. Dyk, comme de Van Dyck, Anthonie van Dyk, Vandicche, v. Dyk, A. Vandych, vandic, Anton Vandyk, A. Vandyke, Badic, A. v. Dyck, Vandeyc, Van Dick, van dyck a., Ant. Van Dick, Anth. van Dyk, bandio, A. von Deyk, V. Dyck, Antoine Van-Dyck, Anton van Dyck, anthonys van dyck, Dijck Sir Anthony van, Vandicca, Anth. van Dyck, Vandike, Vandick, Ant. Vandick, Anthonis van Dijck, Anthon van Dyck, Antoine van Dyck, Antt.o van Deyck, Ant. van Dyk, Dyck Antoon, Sir A. Vandyck, Sr. Ant. Van. Dych, den Ridder van Dyk, A. van Dyk, Vandyck Sir Ant., Valdique, Wandih, Dyck Anthonis van, dyck anton van, Vandick Fiammengo, An. van Dyck, Dijck Anton van, van Dyck Anton., A. Van Dik, Van Dyck Anthony Sir, Anton von Dyck, Antonio Vandich, Vandicch Antonio, A. Dyck, Anthonie Van Dyck, Vandyke, Vandyk, van Dyijck, Vandech, Sir Antonio Van Dyck, Van. Dyck, Vandik, A. Vandyk, Antoine Vandeik, Van-Dyk, Vandyck &amp, Antonio Vandik, Ant. van Dyks, Dyck Anthonie van, bandic, Dyck Anthonie, Antony van Dyk, Antoine Van Dick, Vand Duyke, A Van Dyck, van dyck sir anthony, von Dyck, Vandick A., Dyck Sir, Sir A. Vandyke, Wandyck, Vandaich, Vandik Antonio, Van Dyck Antonio, A. Van-Dick, Deĭk Antoni van, Ant. v. Dyck, Antonio Vandicch, Anthonius van Dijck, Dyk Anthonis van, Antoni van Dyck, Antonio van Dyck, Van Dyck Antoine, Vannich, Van Dyck Anthony, A. von Dyck, van dycke sir anthony, Vandyck, Anthony Vandycke, Sir Anthony van Dyck, Vandyck Anthony Sir, Anthony van Dyck, Anthonius van Dyk, Anton von Deyck, After Van Dyck, Ant. Vandyck, Van Dyck Anthonie, Wan Dick, c., Antoine Van-Dick, Van Deick, Vandycke, Ban Dycq, Antoine Vandick, Dijck Anthonie, sir a. van dyck, Dack, Dyck Antonie van, Anthony van Dyk, Antonio van Deyck, Van Dyck Anton, Dyck Anthony van, Dijk Anthony van, Anthonis van Dyck, Ant v. Dyk, Dyck, Antonio von Dyk, Dyck Anthony van Sir, Antonio Vandych, Van Dyck Antoon, V. Dycke, Anth. Vandyke, dyck van, Dyck Ant. van, Vandyck Anthony, A. Vandyck, A. V. Dyke, Mandique, Vandique Anttonio, Antonius van Dyck, Wandick, Bandiq, Antonio Wandik, Van Daĭk Antonis, van Deyck, Anton van Dijck, Vandeik Antoine, Wandik Antonio, A. v. Dyk, Ant Van Dick, v. Dychs, Vau Dyke, Van Dick Anthony, Antoine Wandick, Van Dyk Anthony, Valdiq, Vnaydke, A. Van Dyck, After Vandyck, Antoine Vandyk, dyck van, Anthoni van Dyck, A. Van Dyc, Antonio Vandyck, A. Vandik, Anthonio van Dijk, Sir Anthony Vandyke, antonys van dyck, Anton de Dück, Van-Deyck, Vandicco, Antonio Vandichi fiamengho, Antoine Vandik, Vandych, Van Dyc, von Deycks, Dyck Antoon van, An. Dyk, דייק אנטוני ואן, Vandichi, Van Dyck Antoon Sir, A. Vandyck. en Italie, A. Van Dick, Vendeich, A Vandyke, Vandiche, Ant Van Dyck, Van-Dick, Dyck Antoine van, Wandik, Van diq, Ant. Vandeick, Bandique, Vandich Antonio, Anthony Vandyke, Antoine van Dyk, Bandeique, Vandeic, Antoni van Dyk, Vandisco fiamengo, V Dyck, Antonie van Dyck, Vandino, V. Dyke, Van Dyk, Daĭk Antonis van, antonis van dyck, von Deyck, Anthony Van Dyck Sir, A. Vandick, Anth. v. Dyck, Anton van Dyk, Dyck A. van, A. van Dycl, Anthonij van Dijck, Wanclelfef, Dyck Sir Anthony van, Deick, Antonii van Dyck, Vandyke Anthony, baldique, von Dyk, jan van dyck, Dyk, Dyck Antonis van, dyck van a., Van Daik Anton, Antoine Vandich, Van Dycke Anthony, Van Dyck Sir Anthony, Chev. Anton van Dyk, Dyck Anthonis van, Anttonio Vandique, anthonius van dyck, Vandeck, Van Dich Antonio, Vandyck Sir Anthony, Anthony Vandyck, Vandich, Antony van Dyck, Dijck Antoon, Van Dich, Dyck Anton van, Antonio van Deyc, Vandyck Sir Ant. Flem., van dyck a.
Gender: male
Nationality of artist: Dutch
Jobs of the artist: dramaturge, author, painter, translator, etcher, theater director
Country of the artist: the Netherlands
Artist category: old master
Art styles: Baroque
Life span: 42 years
Year born: 1599
City of birth: Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium
Year died: 1641
Deceased in (place): London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

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