Jusepe de Ribera, 1637 - Aristotle - fine art print

59,99 €

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Original information about the work of art by the museum's website (© Copyright - Indianapolis Museum of Art - Indianapolis Museum of Art)

Gallery label: Ribera's image of Aristotle is one of six imaginary portraits of ancient philosophers commissioned in 1636 by the prince of Liechtenstein. The artist's conception of Aristotle as an ordinary man wearing a scholar's skullcap and a ragged robe, a "beggar philosopher," is a type that enjoyed great popularity in the 17th century. Ribera's direct, naturalistic style and his dramatic use of light, both of which derive from Caravaggio, combine to create a powerful evocation of a philosopher deep in thought.

What you should know this over 380 year-old work of art

This piece of art was painted by the Spanish painter Jusepe de Ribera in the year 1637. The artpiece measures the size: 49 x 39 in. Oil on canvas was applied by the Spanish painter as the technique for the piece of art. The artwork can be viewed in in the digital art collection of Indianapolis Museum of Art, which is located in Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America. This classic art masterpiece, which belongs to the public domain is provided with courtesy of Indianapolis Museum of Art.Creditline of the artwork: . Moreover, alignment is portrait with a ratio of 1 : 1.2, meaning that the length is 20% shorter than the width. Jusepe de Ribera was a male painter, printmaker from Spain, whose artistic style can be attributed primarily to Baroque. The European artist lived for a total of 64 years and was born in the year 1588 in Jativa, Valencia province, Valencia region, Spain and died in the year 1652.

Choose your favorite material

The product dropdown menu ofers you the chance to pick the size and materialaccording to your preferences. The following options are available for individualization:

  • The poster print (canvas material): Our poster is a printed canvas paper with a slightly roughened surface finish. The poster print is used for framing your fine art print using a personal frame. Please keep in mind, that depending on the absolute size of the canvas poster print we add a white margin of approximately 2-6 cm around the print motif in order to facilitate the framing with your custom frame.
  • Aluminium dibond print: These are metal prints on aluminium dibond material with a true depth - for a modern look and a non-reflective surface. For the Print On Aluminum Dibond, we print the chosen artpiece onto the surface of the aluminum material. The bright & white parts of the work of art shine with a silky gloss but without the glare. Colors are bright and luminous, the details of the print appear clear and crisp.
  • Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating): A glossy print on acrylic glass, often described as a UV print on plexiglass, will change the original artwork into décor. Besides, the acrylic glass art print forms a good alternative option to canvas or aluminium dibond fine art replicas. The work of art will be manufactured with state-of-the-art UV printing technology. This makes vivid, sharp color shades. The great advantage of an acrylic glass fine art copy is that contrasts as well as small color details become identifiable due to the fine gradation of the print.
  • The canvas print: A canvas print is a printed canvas mounted on a wood stretcher. Hanging your canvas print: Canvas prints are relatively low in weight, which implies that it is quite simple to hang the Canvas print without the use of additional wall-mounts. That is why, canvas prints are suitable for all types of walls.

Quick overview of the artist

Artist: Jusepe de Ribera
Other artist names: Ribera le Spagnolette, Juseph de Ribera, Giuseppe di Rivero, Spanegliot, Riberes, ribera g. de, José Lo Spagnoletto, giuseppe ribera genannt spagnoletto, Girolamo Rivera, Ravela, Spagnoletto Ribera, Josephe de Rivera, J. de Ribera, Laspagnolette, José de Ribera, josepe de ribera, Spanjolette, Jean Libera dit L'Espagnolet, Joseph à Ribera Hispanus, Gios. Riviera, Revela, Spagnolet, Ribera dit l'Espagnolet, Spagnaletti, Spagnioletti, E'Spagnoletti, jusepe ribera, Spagnolett, J. Ribera dit l'Espagnolet, Spagnoleto, Gioseppe de Reviera, Gioseppe de Rivera, Spagniolet, Jos. Ribera genannt Spagnoleto, Ribera José de, Gioseppe Rivera, Ribera lo Spagnoletto Jusepe de, Jusepe Ribera gen. Lo Spagnoletto, ribera jusepe de genannt lo spagnoletto, Jos. Ribera genannt Spagnoletto, Giuseppe Rabiera detto il Spagnoletto, jose de ribera gen. spagnoletto, Ribiera, Jusepe el español, Josepho Ribera detto il Spangnoletto, Lespagnolet, Jusepe Ribera de gen. Spagnoletto, jusepe de ribera gen. lo spagnoletto, J.L. dit l'Espagnolette, giuseppe de ribera gen. lo spagnoletto, Ribera Josef, Joseph Ribera genannt Spagnoletto, Ribera Juan Jusepe, Espagnoletto, Joseph de Rivera dit Lespagnolet, Joseph Ribera genannt Spagnolet, Spanalotti, Spagnolette Giuseppo Ribera detto Span., Spagnioletto, F. Ribera dit L'Espagnolet, Ribera Giuseppe de, Joseph Ribera dit Lespagnolet, Giuseppe Ribera called Spagnoletto, Spanniolet, Spagneolet, Spanjoletto, Spagniletto, Giuseppe Revera, Giuseppe di Rivera, Ribera lo Spagnoletto, Rivera il Spagnolo, españolete, Gioseppe Rivera detto il Spagnolo, Franscesco Ribera dit l'Espagnolet, el spañoletto, Riviero, Espagnolet, Josepho Ribiera dit l'Espagnolet, Spagniolett, Jusepe de Ribera gen. Lo Spagnoletto, Franz Ribera genannt Spanioletta, Spanjolet, Joseph Ribera dit L'Espagnolet, Giuseppe di Riviero, Riberi, Joseph de Rivera, Spagnol, el españoleto, Spagnaletto, Ioseppe de Ribera detto il Spagnoletto, Joseph Riebera, Joseph Ribera dit l'Espagnolet, Espagnolette, Spangnoletto, Josepe Ribera, Spagneoletti, Gioseppe Rivieras, Joseph Ribera surnommé l'Espagnolet, Spangoletto, Spangiolo, jos. ribera gen. spagnoletto, Spaniolett, Jusepe Rivera, Spanoleti, Joseph Ribera lo Spagnoletto, Españoleto, Ribera, Rebera, Ribera Khusepe, Gioseppe di Rivera, Juseph de Rivexa, Spagniolei, Spagnuolo, Spagonelite, Guisseppe Ribera Spagneletto, Spanjolot, Giuseppe Riberas detto lo Spagnoletto, jusepe ribera gen. il spagnoletto, Jusephe rivera, Spagnoletto Lo, Spagnolette Giuseppo Ribera, Guissepe Ribera Spagnoletto, Spagonetti, Ribere, Jusepe de Ribera gen. Le Spagnoletto, Ribera Cucó José, Giuseppe di Ribera, Spagnoleti, Giuseppe Rivera, españoletto, Kibera, Giuseppe Barberi detto il Spagnoletto, Ribero, ribera j., Lespagnollet, Giuseppe Ribera detto Spagnoletto, Ribera Spagniolo, Spagnoletti, Giuseppe Ribera, Gioseppe de Riviera, Ribera Jusepe, J. Rybera, Spagnuoletti, Revera, Ribera Josef de, Gioseppe Revera, Ribera detto lo Spagnoletto, Frantz Rivera, Gius. Ribera, Ribera l'Espagnolette, Spannioletti, Gius.e di Rivera, Ribera Lo Spagnoletto, Josseph de Rivera, Spanjolett, Spagnuoletto, Guis. Ribiero, Juiseppe de Ribera Spangnletto, Ribera l'Espagnolet, Ribera lo Spagnoletto Giuseppe de, Spangnolette, ribera j. de, J. Ribera genannt Spagnolet, Jusephe rribera, Ribera Joseph dit l'Espagnolet, Giuseppo Ribera, Spaniolet, Jusephe rrivera, Ribera dit l'Espagnolet, jusepe de ribera gen. lo spagnodella, Antonio Ridiera d. Spagnoletto, Gius.e Rivera, S. Pagnoletta, J. Ribeira alias Espagnolet, Spanioletti, Gius.e de Rivera, Ioseph Ribera genannt Spagnolet, Giuseppe de Ribera, Josephus Ribera, jusepe de ribera gen. spagnoletto, Spangnolett, Cucó José Ribera, Spragneolitio, Joseph de Ribera surnommé l'Espagnolet, Gios.e di Ribera, Espanolet, Rivera detto lo Spagnoletto, Ribera Jusepe de gen. Lo Spagnoletto, José Jusepe de, Rivera José de, Giuseppe Ribera detto lo Spagnoletto, Spagnoleto Jos. de Ribera, Gius.e di Riviera, Ribeira, Spagnoletto detto Deribera, ribera jusepa de, ribera joseph, Ribera Jusepe de, Spagnoletto, Joseph de Ribera dit l'Espagnolet, Ribera Jose, ריברה ג'וספה דה, Ribera Spagnolet, el espanoletto, Ribera called Spagnoletto, Joseph Ribera genannt Spaniletto, Ribeea dit l'Espagnolet, Gioseppe Reviera, Giuseppe Rivela, Joseph Ribera genannt Spagnoletto, Ribera Juan José de, Giuseppe de Mera scuola spagnuola, Francesco Ribera detto il Spagnoletto, Giuseppe Rivera detto lo Spagnolo, Joseph de ribera, Spagnoletto El, Gioseppe di Riviera, Riberra, Joseph Ribera commonly called Lo Spagnoletto, juseppe de ribera gen. spagnoletto, Gioseppe de Ribera, Gius.e Riviero, Jos. Ribera, Spangniolet, Guisseppe Ribera Spagnoletto, Giuseppe Libera detto lo Spagnoletto, Spagnolo, Spanjeletto, Spanioletto, Spragnolet, jusepe de rribera, J. R. dit Espagnolet, Juseph de Riviera, Giuseppe de Rivera, giuseppe da ribera, Guiseppe Ribera, Ribera Giuseppe, Ribera El Espanoleto, Spangolet, Joseph Rivera, Spagnollette, Jusep de Rivera, Francesco Ribera dit l'Espagnolet, Ribera lo Spagnoletto José de, Joseph de Ribera dit l'Esapgnolet, Ribera Spagnoletta, Guisseppe Ribera-Spagnoletto, Giuseppe di River, Ribera dit L'Espagnolet, Giuseppe Rebiera detto Spagnoletto, Gioseppe di Ribera, Lo Spagnoletto, Spagniolette, Spagnolette, Spannilet, Spaniellet, Joseph von Ribera, juseppe de ribera, Giuseppe di Ribera detto lo Spagnoletto, Rivera, L'Espagnoletti, Gius.e Riviera, Joseph de rrivera, L'Espagnolet, Giuseppe Ribera detto lo Spagnoletto, J. Ribera dit l'espagnolet, Spagnoletto detto Ribera, L'Espagnolette, Jose Ribera, Spagnolette Giuseppo Ribera detto, Gioseppe di Revera, Josef de rribera, F. Ribera dit Espagnolet, J. Ribera, Spagnoletto di Napoli, Jusepe de Ribera, Spagnolletto, Riviera, Jusepe de Rivera, Españoleto El, Gioseppe Riviera, Antonio Riveria d. lo Spagnoletto, Giuseppe di Riviera, Jaq. Ribera dit L'Espagnolet, Joseph Ribera, Spagnoletta, Guiseppe Ribera il Spagnoletto, josé ribera gen. spagnoletto, Spagnolato, Spagnolletti, Joseph Ribeira dit l'Espagnolet, Giusepe di Riviera
Artist gender: male
Nationality: Spanish
Professions of the artist: painter, printmaker
Country of the artist: Spain
Artist category: old master
Art styles: Baroque
Died aged: 64 years
Born in the year: 1588
Birthplace: Jativa, Valencia province, Valencia region, Spain
Died in the year: 1652
Deceased in (place): Naples, Napoli province, Campania, Italy

Artpiece details

Title of the painting: "Aristotle"
Artwork categorization: painting
Category: classic art
Time: 17th century
Year of creation: 1637
Artwork age: over 380 years old
Original medium: oil on canvas
Original size: 49 x 39 in
Exhibited in: Indianapolis Museum of Art
Place of the museum: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America
Museum website: Indianapolis Museum of Art
Artwork license type: public domain
Courtesy of: Indianapolis Museum of Art

Structured product details

Product classification: art copy
Reproduction: digital reproduction
Manufacturing process: UV direct printing (digital print)
Manufacturing: Germany
Stock type: on demand
Product usage: art reproduction gallery, wall décor
Orientation: portrait format
Image ratio: 1 : 1.2
Interpretation of image aspect ratio: the length is 20% shorter than the width
Available choices: acrylic glass print (with real glass coating), metal print (aluminium dibond), poster print (canvas paper), canvas print
Canvas on stretcher frame (canvas print) variants: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47", 150x180cm - 59x71"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) size options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47", 150x180cm - 59x71"
Poster print (canvas paper) options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Aluminium dibond print options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Picture frame: no frame

Disclaimer: We try everything in order to describe the art products as accurate as it is possible and to demonstrate them visually in our shop. Please keep in mind that the tone of the print materials and the imprint might differ somehwat from the representation on the monitor. Depending on your settings of your screen and the quality of the surface, not all colors will be printed one hundret percent realistically. Bearing in mind that our art reproductions are printed and processed manually, there may also be minor deviations in the motif's size and exact position.

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