The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is the national museum of the Netherlands. The museum has a collection of paintings, sculptures and drawings from all important Dutch artists, as well as international masters like Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Mondriaan and Picasso. Within the gallery three periods of Dutch art can be seen: the Middle Ages, Dutch Golden Age with its strong religious symbolism and Romanticism. The Rijksmuseum was founded in The Hague in 1800, but because of increasing competition for space, the collection had to be moved to Amsterdam in 1808. The collection of paintings is the most impressive part of the museum, including many famous masters. Today, the museum has a collection of around 3,000 paintings and 200,000 drawings and prints. The collection is systematically organized according to the type of work, artist and origin. The main periods and movements in art history are represented in the collection: Dutch painting up until 1700, then from 1750 to 1850 and finally Post-impressionism and Modern Art. Some artists have their own room or gallery; for instance Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Mondriaan and Picasso. In the early stages of the Museum's history, space was limited and it made more sense to group works according to regions or themes.
Pieter Jansz Quast, 1630 - The foot operation - fine art print
À partir de 32,99 €
Unknown, 1600 - Feast of the Epiphany - fine art print
À partir de 32,99 €
Unknown, 1617 - Fortuna Distributing her Largesse - fine art print
À partir de 32,99 €
Unknown, 1600 - Firewood-Ragini - fine art print
À partir de 29,99 €
Unknown, 1600 - October - fine art print
À partir de 29,99 €
Gabriël Metsu, 1650 - The Weaponsmith - fine art print
À partir de 34,99 €
Unknown, 1600 - Portrait of kenau simonsdochter hasselaer, 1573 - fine art print
À partir de 29,99 €
Jan Wijnants, 1655 - Dune Landscape with Hunters Resting - fine art print
À partir de 34,99 €
Gerard Dou, 1653 - A Fisherman's Wife - fine art print
À partir de 32,99 €
J.G. Schieblius, 1680 - Italian Landscape - fine art print
À partir de 28,99 €
Maerten Stoop, 1640 - An officer in billeted quarters - fine art print
À partir de 34,99 €
Unknown, 1686 - Portrait of Khawwas-Khan, the Abyssinian - fine art print
À partir de 29,99 €
Unknown, 1600 - Woman standing with hat, seen from the back - fine art print
À partir de 39,99 €
Unknown, 1620 - Village Carouse - fine art print
À partir de 28,99 €
Frans Hals, 1635 - Portrait of Feyntje or Steenkiste - fine art print
À partir de 28,99 €
Jan Asselijn, 1646 - Cavalry Attack at Sunset - fine art print
À partir de 29,99 €
Unknown, 1670 - Portrait of a Woman - fine art print
À partir de 34,99 €
Jacob de Gheyn II, 1605 - Venus and Cupid - fine art print
À partir de 34,99 €
Unknown, 1640 - Portrait by Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - fine art print
À partir de 34,99 €
Pieter Jansz van Ruyven, 1670 - Cock, a Hen and other Poultry - fine art print
À partir de 34,99 €
Unknown, 1650 - Woman standing in profile, with a glass in her - fine art print
À partir de 38,99 €
Rembrandt van Rijn, 1638 - A cow in the stall - fine art print
À partir de 34,99 €
Govert Flinck, 1635 - Mercury, Argus and Io - fine art print
À partir de 29,99 €
Jan Havicksz Steen, 1660 - Prince’s Day - fine art print
À partir de 28,99 €
Dirk Stoop, 1650 - Hunters Resting - fine art print
À partir de 32,99 €
Pieter Hermansz Verelst, 1628 - The Herring-Eater - fine art print
À partir de 28,99 €
Unknown, 1648 - Reclining lion right - fine art print
À partir de 36,99 €