Anthony van Dyck, 1630 - Virgin and Child with Music-Making Angels - fine art print

59,99 €

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Details about the artpiece

Name of the artpiece: "Virgin and Child with Music-Making Angels"
Artwork classification: painting
Category: classic art
Temporal classification: 17th century
Year of creation: 1630
Artwork age: around 390 years
Medium of original artwork: oil on canvas
Dimensions of the original artwork: unframed: 163,58 x 135,89 cm (64 3/8 x 53 1/2 in) framed: 186,06 x 160,66 cm (73 1/4 x 63 1/4 in)
Exhibited in: Yale University Art Gallery
Museum location: New Haven, Connecticut, United States of America
Website of the museum: Yale University Art Gallery
Artwork license type: public domain
Courtesy of: Yale University Art Gallery
Creditline: Gift of George Stewart, 1915, .B. 1917, Ph.D. 1921, (Hon.) . 1939

Artist table

Name of the artist: Anthony van Dyck
Also known as: Van Dycke Anthony, Antoine Vandyck, Ant. Vandeick, Anthonius van Dijck, Vandick A., Vandyke Anthony, Anton van Dyk, Vandycke, Antoine Wandick, A. Van Dyc, Antonie van Dyck, Sir A. Vandyke, A. Vandyck. en Italie, Wan Dyck, Vandeic, Van. Dyck, Vandick, Wandyck, A. Vandyke, Dyke, Sir Anthony Vandyke, Wandik, baldique, A. Vaudick, Antoine van Dyck, Antoine Van-Dick, A. van-Dyck, Van Dyck Anthonis, Vandeique, דייק אנטוני ואן, Antoni van Dyk, A. Vandyk, Van Dych, Chevaliér van Dyk, Anthoni van Dyck, Antoine van Dyk, V Dyck, Antonio van Deyck, A. Van Dyck, A. van Dyk, Vandyke Sir Anthony, Van Dijck, Ant.v. Dyck, Van-Deyck, A Vandyke, An. Dyk, Dyck Sir, Dyck Anthonie van, den Ridder van Dyk, Van Daĭk Antonis, Vandyck, Deĭk Antoni van, Van Dick Anthony, Dyck Anthonis van, von Deick, A. v. Dyck, bandio, Van Dyk Anthony, Van Dyck Antoon Sir, Antony van Dyk, Vandyke, dyck anton van, van dyck a., Dyck Anthony van, Vandiq, van Dyck Anton., Ant. van Dyk, A. Vandick, Dack, Anthonis van Dijck, V. Dyke, Dyck Antonie van, Vandique Anttonio, Dyck Antoine van, van Dyijck, Van Dyck Antoine, dyck van, dyck van a., Sr. Ant. Van. Dych, Van Dich Antonio, Anth. van Dyk, Antonio Dyck, Vandyck Sir Anthony, Vau Dyke, von Dyk, Van Dyke, Van Dijk, Vandisco fiamengo, Vandyck Anthony, Van Dyck Anton, Dyck Antonis van, Anth. van Dyck, Van Dick, Vandick Fiammengo, Antonio Vandyck, Wanclelfef, Vandyck Sir Ant. Flem., Anthony Vandyke, Dyk Anthonis van, Antoine Vandick, Anton von Deyck, Vandeik Antoine, V. Dycke, Dijck Anthonie, Vandicca, Daĭk Antonis van, Vandicco, anthonius van dyck, Anthony Van Dyck Sir, A. van Dycl, A. Van-Dick, Dijck Anton van, Van Dyck, sir a. van dyck, Anth. v. Dyck, Ant. Van Dick, After Van Dyck, Vandeck, Anton van Dijck, Anthony van Dyk, Van Dyc, Vandec, van Deyck, Ant. van Dyks, Vandik Antonio, Wandich, Van Vandyck, Vandych Antonio, Mandique, Vandique, Vandeich, Antonio Vandichi fiamengho, Dyck, Van-Dyk, Vandich, Vandaich, Ant v. Dyk, Ban Dycq, anthonys van dyck, Ant. Vandyck, A.v. Dyk, Wandih, Sir A. Vandyck, Antonius van Dyck, Valdique, Wan Dick, Dyck Ant. van, Dyck Antoon van, An. van Dyck, Anthon van Dyck, Vandike, Antony van Dyck, Van Dyck Anthony, Anton de Dück, Dyck Anthonis van, Dyck Anthonie, Deick, Vand Duyke, Ant. v. Dyk, Dijk Anthony van, Vandyck Anthony Sir, Antonio van Dyck, Anthony van Dyck, Antonio Wandik, Van. Dick, vandic, Antonio Vandich, A. von Deyk, Antoni v. Deick, Anton van Dyck, Bandeique, Anton Vandyk, A. Dyck, Ant. Van Dyck, Antonio van Dyk, Valdiq, Van Deick, Chev. Anton van Dyk, Antoine Vandyk, Van diq, van dyck sir anthony, Ant. Vandeyck, Antonii van Dyck, Sir Anthony Vandyck, A. V. Dyke, v. Dychs, Dyck Anthony van Sir, Vandicch Antonio, Dijck Sir Anthony van, Vandik, Antonio van Deyc, Antoin Vandyk, Vandich Antonio, Vannich, Van Dyck School, After Vandyck, Wandik Antonio, Vandeyc, Badic, Anthony Vandycke, A. Vandych, Vandyk, Ant. Vandick, Van-Dyck, Antonio Vandik, Van Dyck Anthony Sir, Antt.o van Deyck, Vannic, Vandyck Sir Ant., dyck van, Anthonio van Dijk, Van Dyk, antonis van dyck, comme de Van Dyck, Vandycke Anthony, Anttonio Vandique, Van Daik Anton, Dyck Ant. van, A Van Dyck, Van Dyck Anthonie, Vandicche, antoon van dyck, Antoine Vandich, Vandech, Vandino, von Deyck, Dijck Antoon, Bandique, Van Dyck Antoon, Van-Dick, van dycke sir anthony, antonys van dyck, A. Vandyck, Ant Van Dick, Anton von Dyck, v. Dyk, Dyck Sir Anthony van, bandic, A. van Dijk, V. Dyck, Antoine Van-Dyck, A. Van Dick, Sir Anthony van Dyck, Antoine Vandik, Vendeich, Antonio von Dyk, von Deycks, von Dyck, Dyck Anton van, Van Dycke, Anthony Vandyck, Ant. Van-Dyck, Dyck Antoon, A. Van Dik, Bandiq, Antony van Dijck, Antonio Vandych, Dyk, Wandick, A. v. Dyk, Vandyck &amp, Anthonij van Dijck, Anthonis van Dyck, Anthonie Van Dyck, Antoni van Dyck, Van-Deĭk Antoni, Anthonie van Dyk, Vandichi, Antonio Vandicch, V Dyck, Antoine Vandeik, Antonio Vandik Fiammingo, Antoine Van Dick, Anthonius van Dyk, Vnaydke, Ant. v. Dyck, Vandiche, A.v. Dyck, Sir Antonio Van Dyck, Ant. von Dyck, van dyck a., Van Dich, jan van dyck, Ant Van Dyck, Vandych, Van Dyck Sir Anthony, A. von Dyck, Anth. Vandyke, c., Dyck A. van, Van Dyck Antonio, A. Vandik, Vandyck Antonio
Gender: male
Artist nationality: Dutch
Professions of the artist: etcher, painter, author, dramaturge, translator, theater director
Country of the artist: the Netherlands
Artist category: old master
Art styles: Baroque
Died aged: 42 years
Year of birth: 1599
Birthplace: Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium
Year died: 1641
Died in (place): London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Product details

Print product type: art copy
Reproduction: digital reproduction
Manufacturing process: UV direct print (digital printing)
Manufacturing: Germany
Type of stock: production on demand
Product usage: gallery wall, art reproduction gallery
Orientation: portrait alignment
Side ratio: 1 : 1.2 length to width
Aspect ratio meaning: the length is 20% shorter than the width
Available product materials: canvas print, metal print (aluminium dibond), poster print (canvas paper), acrylic glass print (with real glass coating)
Canvas print (canvas on stretcher frame): 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47", 150x180cm - 59x71"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) size options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Poster print (canvas paper) variants: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Aluminium dibond print (aluminium material) sizes: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Picture frame: no frame

Order the material of your choice

For every art print we offer different materials and sizes. You can select your preferred size and material between the following choices:

  • Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating): An print on acrylic glass, often named a an art print on plexiglass, will turn the artwork into beautiful home decoration. Furthermore, the acrylic glass art print makes a great alternative option to dibond and canvas fine art replicas. Your own copy of the artwork is being printed thanks to the help of modern UV print machines. This creates the impression of sharp, rich colors. The great benefit of a plexiglass fine art copy is that contrasts and granular painting details will be more recognizeable due to the granular tonal gradation.
  • Poster print on canvas material: Our poster is a UV printed sheet of flat canvas with a slightly roughened surface texture. It is designed for placing your art copy with a custom-made frame. Please keep in mind, that depending on the absolute size of the canvas poster print we add a white margin of approximately 2-6cm round about the painting in order to facilitate the framing with your custom frame.
  • Canvas print: A printed canvas stretched on a wood stretcher frame. A canvas makes a distinctive look of three dimensionality. Canvas Prints have the advantage of being low in weight, which implies that it is easy and straightforward to hang your Canvas print without additional wall-mounts. That is why, a canvas print is suited for any type of wall.
  • Aluminium dibond print (metal): These are metal prints on aluminium dibond with an impressive effect of depth. A direct Direct Print on Aluminum Dibond is your excellent start to fine art replicas made with aluminum. The colors are luminous, fine details of the print are crisp.

Description of this painting from Anthony van Dyck

This classic art piece of art called Virgin and Child with Music-Making Angels was created by the male Dutch painter Anthony van Dyck in 1630. The original was painted with the size: unframed: 163,58 x 135,89 cm (64 3/8 x 53 1/2 in) framed: 186,06 x 160,66 cm (73 1/4 x 63 1/4 in) and was crafted with the technique of oil on canvas. The piece of art is in the the Yale University Art Gallery's collection. We are delighted to state that this work of art, which belongs to the public domain is supplied with courtesy of Yale University Art Gallery. : Gift of George Stewart, 1915, .B. 1917, Ph.D. 1921, (Hon.) . 1939. Moreover, alignment of the digital reproduction is in portrait format and has an aspect ratio of 1 : 1.2, meaning that the length is 20% shorter than the width. The translator, author, dramaturge, painter, theater director, etcher Anthony van Dyck was an artist, whose style can mainly be classified as Baroque. The European painter was born in the year 1599 in Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium and deceased at the age of 42 in 1641 in London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom.

Important legal note: We try everythig possible to depict our products with as many details as possible and to demonstrate them visually in our shop. At the same time, the colors of the printing material and the imprint may differ somehwat from the representation on the device's screen. Depending on your settings of your screen and the quality of the surface, not all colors are printed 100% realistically. In view of the fact that all our art reproductions are processed and printed manually, there might also be minor discrepancies in the size and exact position of the motif.

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