Anthony van Dyck, 1617 - Study Head of an Old Man with a White Beard - fine art print
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Additional information by the museum's website (© - by The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Rubens’s practice of using real people as models for figures in his religious and mythological scenes was followed closely in Antwerp by his younger colleagues Jacob Jordaens and Anthony van Dyck. The present picture was once attributed to Rubens, but its comparatively soft forms and textured surfaces are typical of the young Van Dyck and contrast with Rubens’s emphatic modeling and incisive draftsmanship.
Product summary
This classic art artpiece was created by the male Dutch painter Anthony van Dyck. The original measures the size: 26 x 20 1/4 in (66 x 51,4 cm). Oil on wood was used by the painter as the medium of the masterpiece. Nowadays, the artpiece is part of the art collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is one of the world's largest and finest art museums, which includes more than two million works of art spanning five thousand years of world culture, from prehistory to the present and from every part of the globe.. This classic art work of art, which is in the public domain is being supplied with courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Egleston Fund, 1922. The creditline of the artpiece is: Egleston Fund, 1922. In addition to this, the alignment is portrait with a ratio of 3 : 4, which means that the length is 25% shorter than the width. Anthony van Dyck was a male translator, author, dramaturge, painter, theater director, etcher of Dutch nationality, whose style can be attributed primarily to Baroque. The painter was born in 1599 in Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium and deceased at the age of 42 in the year 1641 in London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom.
Choose your preferred product material
In the product dropdown selection you can choose your favorite material and size. In order match your personal requirements perfectly, you can choose among the following product customization options:
- Canvas: The canvas print is a printed canvas mounted on a wood frame. It generates a particular look of three dimensionality. Hanging your canvas print: A canvas print has the advantage of being relatively low in weight, meaning that it is easy to hang your Canvas print without the support of any wall-mounts. Canvas prints are suited for any kind of wall.
- Metal print (aluminium dibond): These are metal prints on aluminium dibond material with a true effect of depth - for a modern impression and non-reflective surface structure. For your Direct Aluminium Dibond option, we print the selected artpiece right on the aluminium surface. The white & bright parts of the original artwork shimmer with a silk gloss, however without the glare. This direct print on Aluminum Dibond is one of the most popular entry-level products and is a truly sophisticated way to display art prints, since it draws attention on the artwork.
- Poster print (canvas material): A poster is a printed cotton canvas paper with a nice structure on the surface, that resembles the original artwork. It is used for placing your art copy using a special frame. Please keep in mind, that depending on the absolute size of the poster we add a white margin of something between 2-6 cm around the print in order to facilitate the framing with your custom frame.
- Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating): The acrylic glass print, which is often referenced as a plexiglass print, will change your favorite original work of art into great décor. Furthermore, the acrylic glass print offers a distinct alternative option to aluminium or canvas art prints. The great upside of a plexiglass art print is that contrasts and small painting details will be exposed thanks to the delicate tonal gradation. The plexiglass with real glass coating protects your custom art replica against light and external influences for many years to come.
Artist summary table
Name of the artist: | Anthony van Dyck |
Other names: | An. Dyk, Wandick, Dyck, van Dyijck, V. Dyck, Van. Dyck, anthonys van dyck, Wan Dick, Bandique, Dijck Sir Anthony van, Dyck Ant. van, A. v. Dyk, A Vandyke, Van Dich, Sir Anthony Vandyke, Antoine Vandyck, vandic, Anton von Deyck, comme de Van Dyck, V. Dycke, Wandich, Dijk Anthony van, van dyck a., Vau Dyke, Sr. Ant. Van. Dych, Sir Anthony van Dyck, Antony van Dyk, Antonio van Deyck, Antoine Vandich, A. Van Dik, Antoine Van-Dyck, V Dyck, Sir Antonio Van Dyck, Dyck A. van, Vandick A., Van Dyck Antonio, Van-Dyck, Vandicche, Wandih, Van Dijk, Vandech, Ant. Vandick, Dyck Ant. van, Vandeik Antoine, Ant v. Dyk, Ant. Van Dick, After Vandyck, Anthoni van Dyck, Van Dych, Dyck Anthonis van, van Deyck, Vandicco, Van-Deyck, sir a. van dyck, A. v. Dyck, von Dyk, Vandique, Daĭk Antonis van, Sir A. Vandyke, Vandeyc, Dyck Anthony van Sir, Vandichi, A. Vandyck, Anton van Dijck, Van Deick, Vandicch Antonio, Bandeique, Anthonius van Dijck, von Dyck, Bandiq, Antonius van Dyck, jan van dyck, Vandyck Sir Anthony, Van Dyck Sir Anthony, von Deyck, Antoni van Dyck, Mandique, Anton Vandyk, Van Dycke Anthony, Antoine van Dyk, Vandino, Vandyck Anthony Sir, Anthony van Dyck, A. Vaudick, Wandik Antonio, Anthonius van Dyk, Vandyck Sir Ant. Flem., von Deick, Vannic, Van Dyck Antoine, v. Dyk, Antonio Vandych, Antony van Dyck, Vandyke Anthony, Van Dyk Anthony, Ban Dycq, Vandyke, Van Dycke, Van Dick, Antonio Vandich, A. Vandick, Van Dyk, v. Dychs, Dyk, bandio, Dyck Anthonis van, Vandicca, Antonio Vandik, Valdiq, den Ridder van Dyk, Antoine Vandik, Vandich, Dyke, Vandike, Ant. Van Dyck, Van. Dick, Antonie van Dyck, dyck van, A. Van Dick, Anthonie van Dyk, van Dyck Anton., Deick, Antoni van Dyk, A. Vandyke, Vandeic, Dyck Sir Anthony van, Vandyck Anthony, Antonii van Dyck, Anthonio van Dijk, Antoine Van-Dick, Ant. v. Dyk, Vandyck, Vandeique, Antonio von Dyk, Vandich Antonio, Antonio Dyck, A. Vandik, Dijck Anthonie, Antoine van Dyck, Van Daĭk Antonis, von Deycks, A. van-Dyck, דייק אנטוני ואן, dyck van, An. van Dyck, Anthonij van Dijck, Anthony Vandyck, Van Dyc, Wanclelfef, V. Dyke, Van Dich Antonio, Dack, Van Dyck Anthonie, Vandyk, Dyck Anthonie van, A. Van-Dick, Van Dyck Anthony, Antoine Vandick, Vendeich, A. von Dyck, A. Van Dyck, Vand Duyke, Dyck Antonis van, Anttonio Vandique, Dijck Antoon, Vandique Anttonio, A. Vandyk, Dijck Anton van, Ant Van Dick, Van Dyck Anthonis, Anth. van Dyk, Vandaich, Anton van Dyck, Antony van Dijck, Wandik, Anthony Vandyke, Van-Dick, Van Daik Anton, Antonio van Dyck, Sir Anthony Vandyck, Sir A. Vandyck, Antonio Vandichi fiamengho, A. van Dyk, Chev. Anton van Dyk, Antonio van Deyc, Anth. v. Dyck, Dyck Anton van, antonys van dyck, Dyck Antoine van, Ant. Vandeick, Antoine Wandick, anthonius van dyck, Anthonis van Dijck, Van-Deĭk Antoni, Deĭk Antoni van, antoon van dyck, baldique, Vandisco fiamengo, Ant. v. Dyck, Anthonie Van Dyck, Anth. Vandyke, Antonio Vandik Fiammingo, Dyck Antoon, antonis van dyck, van dycke sir anthony, Vandiche, A Van Dyck, dyck anton van, Anton van Dyk, Ant.v. Dyck, Anthon van Dyck, Ant. van Dyks, Vandyck Antonio, After Van Dyck, Vandycke, Vandych, Antoni v. Deick, Van Dyke, Dyck Anthonie, Van Dyck Antoon Sir, Dyck Antoon van, Valdique, Anthony Vandycke, Ant. Van-Dyck, Vandeck, Van Dyck School, Ant. Vandyck, Antoin Vandyk, Van Dyck Anthony Sir, Anth. van Dyck, A. van Dijk, Antonio Wandik, Wan Dyck, Antonio Vandyck, Van Dyck Antoon, A. van Dycl, Vandick, Dyk Anthonis van, Vandik Antonio, A.v. Dyk, A.v. Dyck, Antoine Vandeik, Dyck Sir, Van Dyck Anton, Antt.o van Deyck, Vnaydke, Dyck Anthony van, Vandycke Anthony, Anthonis van Dyck, A. Van Dyc, V Dyck, Vandeich, Antoine Van Dick, Ant Van Dyck, Vannich, Van Vandyck, Anthony van Dyk, dyck van a., A. Vandych, Anton de Dück, Vandyke Sir Anthony, Vandyck &, Ant. van Dyk, A. V. Dyke, Vandick Fiammengo, Vandyck Sir Ant., Anthony Van Dyck Sir, Vandiq, Van diq, Dyck Antonie van, Vandec, Wandyck, Badic, van dyck sir anthony, Vandych Antonio, A. von Deyk, Antonio van Dyk, Antonio Vandicch, A. Dyck, Vandik, Ant. Vandeyck, Van Dyck, Antoine Vandyk, Van-Dyk, A. Vandyck. en Italie, c., Van Dijck, Chevaliér van Dyk, Van Dick Anthony, Ant. von Dyck, bandic, van dyck a., Anton von Dyck |
Gender of the artist: | male |
Artist nationality: | Dutch |
Professions of the artist: | theater director, painter, dramaturge, etcher, translator, author |
Country: | the Netherlands |
Classification of the artist: | old master |
Art styles: | Baroque |
Died at the age of: | 42 years |
Born: | 1599 |
Born in (place): | Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium |
Year died: | 1641 |
Deceased in (place): | London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom |
Piece of art specs
Name of the piece of art: | "Study Head of an Old Man with a White Beard" |
Artwork classification: | painting |
Broad category: | classic art |
Century: | 17th century |
Created in: | 1617 |
Artwork age: | around 400 years old |
Original medium of artwork: | oil on wood |
Original size: | 26 x 20 1/4 in (66 x 51,4 cm) |
Museum / location: | The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Location of the museum: | New York City, New York, United States of America |
Museum website: | The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Artwork license: | public domain |
Courtesy of: | The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Egleston Fund, 1922 |
Artwork creditline: | Egleston Fund, 1922 |
Structured item details
Print prodct: | fine art print |
Method of reproduction: | digital reproduction |
Manufaturing technique: | UV direct printing (digital print) |
Production: | German-made |
Type of stock: | on demand production |
Intended product use: | wall art, art reproduction gallery |
Artwork alignment: | portrait alignment |
Image ratio: | 3 : 4 (length : width) |
Image ratio implication: | the length is 25% shorter than the width |
Available options: | poster print (canvas paper), canvas print, metal print (aluminium dibond), acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) |
Canvas print (canvas on stretcher frame) size variants: | 30x40cm - 12x16", 60x80cm - 24x31", 90x120cm - 35x47", 120x160cm - 47x63" |
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating): | 30x40cm - 12x16", 60x80cm - 24x31", 90x120cm - 35x47" |
Poster print (canvas paper) sizes: | 30x40cm - 12x16", 60x80cm - 24x31", 90x120cm - 35x47" |
Aluminium dibond print (aluminium material): | 30x40cm - 12x16", 60x80cm - 24x31", 90x120cm - 35x47" |
Picture frame: | please note that this reproduction is not framed |
Important information: We try what we can in order to describe our products as closely as possible and to exhibit them visually in our shop. Although, the tone of the print products, as well as the imprint can vary somehwat from the representation on your device's screen. Depending on your settings of your screen and the nature of the surface, colors may not be printed as exactly as the digital version. Since all our fine art prints are printed and processed manually, there might also be slight discrepancies in the motif's size and exact position.
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