Anthony van Dyck, 1618 - Head of a Young Man - fine art print

672 kr

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In the dropdown menu next to the product offering you can pick your individual size and material. We allow you to pick your favorite size and material among the following product individualization options:

  • Poster print on canvas material: The poster is a UV printed canvas paper with a nice structure on the surface, which resembles the actual masterpiece. The poster print is ideally suited for placing your fine art print in a personal frame. Please note, that depending on the absolute size of the poster we add a white margin between 2-6cm round about the artwork, which facilitates the framing with your custom frame.
  • Aluminium dibond print: Aluminium Dibond prints are metal prints with an impressive effect of depth. For the Aluminium Dibond option, we print the artwork right on the surface of the aluminum composite. The colors of the print are bright and vivid in the highest definition, the details of the print appear crisp and clear, and you can perceive a matte appearance. This print on aluminium is one of the most popular entry-level products and is an extremely modern way to display art, because it puts the viewer’s focus on the artwork.
  • Printed acrylic glass (with real glass coating): An print on acrylic glass, which is sometimes named as a plexiglass print, changes your favorite original artwork into wall décor. The major upside of an acrylic glass art print is that contrasts plus minor color details will be more recognizeable thanks to the fine gradation of the print.
  • Canvas print: The canvas print, which should not be mistaken with a canvas painting, is a digital image printed on a UV direct printing machine. A canvas generates a plastic effect of three dimensionality. The advantage of canvas prints is that they are relatively low in weight, which implies that it is quite simple to hang up the Canvas print without extra wall-mounts. Because of thata canvas print is suitable for all kinds of walls.

Legal note: We try the best we can in order to depict our products as exact as possible and to showcase them visually. Although, the tone of the printing material and the imprint can diverge to a certain extent from the presentation on the device's monitor. Depending on the screen settings and the condition of the surface, color pigments might not be printed as exactly as the digital version depicted here. Considering that all the are printed and processed manually, there may also be slight differences in the exact position and the size of the motif.

General information as provided by the museum (© Copyright - by National Gallery of Art -

Oil on paper on panel overall: 51.2 x 41.4 cm (20 3/16 x 16 5/16 in.)

Information about the article

This classic art artpiece Head of a Young Man was painted by the Dutch painter Anthony van Dyck in 1618. Besides, this work of art is included in the National Gallery of Art's digital art collection. With courtesy of - National Gallery of Art, Washington (public domain).: . In addition to that, the alignment of the digital reproduction is portrait with a ratio of 1 : 1.2, which means that the length is 20% shorter than the width. Anthony van Dyck was a male translator, author, dramaturge, painter, theater director, etcher, whose style was mainly Baroque. The European artist was born in the year 1599 in Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium and passed away at the age of 42 in the year 1641 in London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom.

Background information about the artwork

Artpiece name: "Head of a Young Man"
Artwork categorization: painting
Category: classic art
Period: 17th century
Created: 1618
Age of artwork: over 400 years old
Exhibited in: National Gallery of Art
Museum location: Washington D.C., United States of America
Museum website: National Gallery of Art
Artwork license: public domain
Courtesy of: National Gallery of Art, Washington

The product specifications

Product categorization: fine art print
Reproduction method: reproduction in digital format
Production technique: UV direct print
Origin of the product: German-made
Type of stock: production on demand
Intended product use: art print gallery, gallery wall
Image orientation: portrait format
Side ratio: length to width 1 : 1.2
Image ratio implication: the length is 20% shorter than the width
Available product fabrics: acrylic glass print (with real glass coating), metal print (aluminium dibond), poster print (canvas paper), canvas print
Canvas print (canvas on stretcher frame) variants: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) size options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Poster print (canvas paper) options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Dibond print (alumnium material) options: 50x60cm - 20x24", 100x120cm - 39x47"
Art print framing: please note that this art print has no frame

The artist

Artist name: Anthony van Dyck
Alternative names: Antonio Vandych, Vandych Antonio, Dack, Van Dycke Anthony, A. Vandick, A. Van Dyc, Van Dyk Anthony, Antonio Vandich, A. Van-Dick, Dijck Anthonie, Antoine Wandick, A. van-Dyck, Antony van Dyck, Vandyke Sir Anthony, Vannic, Vandike, Dyck Sir Anthony van, Vand Duyke, Vandyck, Vandino, Antonio von Dyk, Van Dich, Van Dyke, Van Dych, Dyck Anton van, van Dyck Anton., c., Daĭk Antonis van, Van Dyk, Anton de Dück, Dyk Anthonis van, Dyck Antoine van, Van Dijk, Antonio van Deyc, Valdiq, Vandyck Anthony, antonis van dyck, Dyck Ant. van, Vandeique, Dyk, van Deyck, dyck anton van, Vandaich, A. v. Dyk, Wandik Antonio, Vandeck, Dyck Antoon, van Dyijck, Vannich, Antoine Vandich, Van Daĭk Antonis, Antonio Vandichi fiamengho, Vandec, Vandick Fiammengo, van dyck a., Antony van Dyk, Antt.o van Deyck, vandic, anthonius van dyck, Anthonie Van Dyck, Van-Dick, Wan Dyck, Dyck Anthony van, van dyck a., Ant. Vandyck, Van Dyck Anthonie, Deĭk Antoni van, dyck van, Vandiche, A.v. Dyk, A. Vandyck. en Italie, Van Dick, Anthony Vandyke, Antoine Vandyk, Ant Van Dick, Ant. Vandeyck, Vandeik Antoine, Anth. v. Dyck, Vendeich, dyck van, Anthony Vandycke, Van Dyck Anthonis, Vandeich, Vandique Anttonio, Ant. Van Dyck, Dyck Anthonis van, Antoine van Dyk, Anthony Van Dyck Sir, Vandyk, von Dyck, A. Vandik, A. Vandyck, Antony van Dijck, Vandique, Van-Dyck, Van diq, Vandycke, Dyck Anthonie van, Vandick A., Bandeique, A. V. Dyke, Ant.v. Dyck, Dyck Antoon van, A. von Dyck, Sir Anthony Vandyke, Anthonius van Dijck, Antonio Vandyck, Vandicca, von Dyk, dyck van a., Antoine Van-Dick, Van Dijck, Anthonij van Dijck, Antoine Vandik, Antoine Vandeik, A. Van Dik, V. Dyck, Dijk Anthony van, Wan Dick, v. Dychs, A. Vandyke, Antoine Vandick, van dycke sir anthony, Van Deick, bandio, Bandiq, Sir A. Vandyck, Chevaliér van Dyk, Dyck, A. Dyck, Ban Dycq, Sir Antonio Van Dyck, Vandicche, Anth. Vandyke, Anthonis van Dijck, Antoni v. Deick, Anthonie van Dyk, Van Dyck Antoon Sir, Anth. van Dyk, Van Dyc, Vandisco fiamengo, Antonio Vandik, Vau Dyke, Sir A. Vandyke, Van Dyck School, Mandique, Dyck Antonie van, Vandyck Sir Ant., Vandyck Sir Ant. Flem., Dijck Sir Anthony van, von Deick, Wandich, bandic, A. Vandyk, Vandyck &amp, A. Vandych, V Dyck, Van. Dick, Anton van Dijck, Van Dyck Antoine, Vandick, Antonio Wandik, Ant v. Dyk, Vandik, Dijck Anton van, Vandik Antonio, A. van Dycl, den Ridder van Dyk, Ant Van Dyck, Ant. Vandeick, V. Dyke, Wanclelfef, A Vandyke, Antoine Vandyck, Dyck Anthonie, von Deycks, Vandicco, Vandyck Antonio, Van Dich Antonio, Antonio Vandik Fiammingo, Van Dycke, baldique, An. Dyk, Antoine Van Dick, Anthon van Dyck, Vnaydke, Wandik, Wandick, Wandyck, Anton van Dyk, Vandeyc, Anthonius van Dyk, A. Van Dick, sir a. van dyck, Antonius van Dyck, Ant. Van-Dyck, Antonio van Dyk, Ant. van Dyks, Dijck Antoon, Vandyck Sir Anthony, Van Dyck Anthony Sir, Vandycke Anthony, Van Dick Anthony, Antoine Van-Dyck, Vandyck Anthony Sir, Van Vandyck, Vandichi, Antoni van Dyk, A. Van Dyck, A.v. Dyck, antoon van dyck, Vandeic, Anthony Vandyck, Ant. van Dyk, Anthoni van Dyck, Van Dyck, Sir Anthony van Dyck, Anton Vandyk, Vandych, antonys van dyck, Ant. v. Dyck, Antonie van Dyck, Vandich Antonio, דייק אנטוני ואן, Wandih, After Van Dyck, Vandyke, Dyck Ant. van, Antonii van Dyck, Anton von Deyck, Anthonio van Dijk, Vandiq, Valdique, A. Vaudick, A. van Dijk, Badic, An. van Dyck, Ant. v. Dyk, Antonio Dyck, von Deyck, Sr. Ant. Van. Dych, comme de Van Dyck, After Vandyck, Van-Deĭk Antoni, Anttonio Vandique, anthonys van dyck, Dyke, Antonio van Deyck, Vandyke Anthony, van dyck sir anthony, Anth. van Dyck, Ant. von Dyck, Antoni van Dyck, Antoin Vandyk, Van Dyck Antonio, A. von Deyk, Antoine van Dyck, Van-Dyk, Deick, Van. Dyck, Vandech, Dyck A. van, V. Dycke, A. v. Dyck, Van Dyck Anton, jan van dyck, Ant. Van Dick, Dyck Sir, Dyck Antonis van, v. Dyk, V Dyck, Van Dyck Anthony, Dyck Anthony van Sir, Antonio van Dyck, Vandicch Antonio, Anton van Dyck, Van Dyck Antoon, Anthony van Dyk, Ant. Vandick, Bandique, Sir Anthony Vandyck, Anton von Dyck, Antonio Vandicch, Van Dyck Sir Anthony, Chev. Anton van Dyk, Anthonis van Dyck, A Van Dyck, Dyck Anthonis van, Anthony van Dyck, Vandich, A. van Dyk, Van-Deyck, Van Daik Anton
Artist gender: male
Artist nationality: Dutch
Jobs: dramaturge, etcher, painter, theater director, author, translator
Country of origin: the Netherlands
Artist classification: old master
Art styles: Baroque
Lifespan: 42 years
Year born: 1599
Place of birth: Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium
Died in the year: 1641
Deceased in (place): London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

This text is copyrighted © - (Artprinta)