Carl Larsson, 1901 - Getting Ready for a Game - fine art print

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Specification of the art product

This over 110 year old artpiece named Getting Ready for a Game was made by the male Swedish painter Carl Larsson in 1901. The beyond 110 year old original creation measures the size - Height: 68 cm (26,7 ″); Width: 92 cm (36,2 ″) Framed: Height: 89 cm (35 ″); Width: 114 cm (44,8 ″); Depth: 11 cm (4,3 ″). This work of art is in the the Nationalmuseum Stockholm's digital collection, which is located in Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden. With courtesy of: Nationalmuseum Stockholm & Wikimedia Commons (license - public domain).The creditline of the artwork is: . Besides, the alignment is in landscape format and has a side ratio of 4 : 3, which implies that the length is 33% longer than the width.

Select a item material option

The product dropdown menu provides you with the chance to choose the material and size of your choice. You can select your preferred material and size between the following choices:

  • Printed acrylic glass: The print on acrylic glass, often named a plexiglass print, will transform the original work of art into lovely wall decoration and makes a good alternative option to canvas and dibond prints.
  • Metal print (aluminium dibond): This is a metal print made on aluminium dibond with an outstanding depth. Its non-reflective surface creates a contemporary look. A direct Direct Print on Aluminum Dibond is the ideal start to the sophisticated world of art reproductions produced with aluminum. For your Aluminium Dibond option, we print your selected artpiece right onto the surface of the white-primed aluminum material. Colors are luminous, the fine details appear very clear, and the print has a a matte appearance that you can literally feel. This print on Aluminum Dibond is the most popular entry-level product and is a truly contemporary way to showcase fine art prints, since it draws attention on the replica of the artwork.
  • The canvas print: A printed canvas, not to be confused with an artwork painted on a canvas, is a digital replica printed from an industrial printer. Besides, printed canvas creates a soft and appealing impression. Your canvas print of your favorite artwork will allow you to transform your into a large artpiece. The great advantage of canvas prints is that they are relatively low in weight, meaning that it is quite simple to hang up the Canvas print without any wall-mounts. Because of thata canvas print is suited for any type of wall.
  • The poster print (canvas material): The poster print is a UV printed canvas with a nice structure on the surface. Please keep in mind, that depending on the size of the poster we add a white margin 2-6cm around the artwork, which facilitates the framing with your custom frame.

Important information: We try what we can to depict the art products with as many details as possible and to display them visually on the respective product detail pages. Still, some pigments of the print materials, as well as the imprint can diverge somehwat from the presentation on the device's screen. Depending on the settings of your screen and the condition of the surface, not all colors will be printed 100% realistically. Considering that all are processed and printed by hand, there might as well be slight deviations in the size and exact position of the motif.

The product

Article classification: wall art
Reproduction: digital reproduction
Production process: UV direct printing
Production: Germany
Type of stock: production on demand
Intended usage: home décor, wall decoration
Alignment of the image: landscape alignment
Image aspect ratio: 4 : 3
Implication: the length is 33% longer than the width
Fabric choices: acrylic glass print (with real glass coating), canvas print, metal print (aluminium dibond), poster print (canvas paper)
Canvas print (canvas on stretcher frame): 40x30cm - 16x12", 80x60cm - 31x24", 120x90cm - 47x35", 160x120cm - 63x47"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) size options: 40x30cm - 16x12", 80x60cm - 31x24", 120x90cm - 47x35"
Poster print (canvas paper) options: 40x30cm - 16x12", 80x60cm - 31x24", 120x90cm - 47x35"
Aluminium dibond print size variants: 40x30cm - 16x12", 80x60cm - 31x24", 120x90cm - 47x35"
Picture frame: unframed reproduction

Background information on the original work of art

Artpiece name: "Getting Ready for a Game"
Artwork categorization: painting
Generic term: modern art
Century: 20th century
Year: 1901
Artwork age: 110 years
Size of the original work of art: Height: 68 cm (26,7 ″); Width: 92 cm (36,2 ″) Framed: Height: 89 cm (35 ″); Width: 114 cm (44,8 ″); Depth: 11 cm (4,3 ″)
Exhibited in: Nationalmuseum Stockholm
Place of the museum: Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Museum website: Nationalmuseum Stockholm
License type of artwork: public domain
Courtesy of: Nationalmuseum Stockholm & Wikimedia Commons

General background information about the artist

Artist name: Carl Larsson
Alias names: Larsson Carl Olof, carl Larsson, Carl Olof Larsson, Larsson Carl
Artist gender: male
Nationality of artist: Swedish
Professions of the artist: designer, artist, cartoonist, drawer, painter, illustrator, watercolourist
Country: Sweden
Artist classification: modern artist
Died at the age of: 66 years
Year born: 1853
Born in (place): Stockholm, Stockholm county, Sweden
Year died: 1919
Place of death: Falun, Dalarna, Sweden

© Copyright - (Artprinta)

Additional artwork information from Nationalmuseum Stockholm (© Copyright - Nationalmuseum Stockholm -

English: "It's really terrible outdoors. The wind is whistling through the joints of the house and the snow is not snow but sharp needles that get into the corners of one's eyes… Just the right time for a game of "vira". Here is the tray full of comforting drinks and all the necessaries and Karin is still not finished with the final decorations which include the monastery liqueur which she is taking off the shelf. In the background is the altar itself, the card table that I have arranged myself." Carl Larsson's own description of his painting Getting Reduy for a Game in the book entitled Larssons which was published by Bonniers in 1902. The "vira" that Carl Larsson mentioned was an enormously popular card game invented in Sweden sometime in the 19th century. When the picture was painted the Larsson family had settled permanently at their summer residence at Sundborn in the hills of Dalarna. In his autobiography Carl Larsson writes that it was his wife, Karin, who gave him the idea of portraying their home in pictures. Books about the Larsson home in Sundborn sold in huge editions and the pictures spread in innumerable reproductions. Few homes throughout the world have received as much publicity. For many people, Sundborn is the quintessence of all things Swedish though, in point of fact, the Larssons had a very international taste in furnishing. The first of the Sundborn watercolours were shown at the Stockholm Exhibition of 1897. Ellen Key, the pioneering author and feminist, saw them at the exhibition and wrote an article on Beauty in the home that was published in the magazine Idun. Ellen Key wanted to create opinion against the "Germanic" style of furnishing which was usual at the time in Sweden. This consisted of dark wallpapers, heavy drapes and curtains, velvet-covered sofas and chairs and dried flowers. In Carl Larsson's watercolours she found something that could replace this. Both Ellen Key and the Karin and Carl Larsson had been inspired by John Ruskin's ideas about a more beautiful world beyond that of the mass-produced items of the factories. In Ruskin's view, beauty must collaborate with function and the task of art and architecture was a moral one in that they created the necessary conditions for spiritual health, energy and joy. Ruskin's theory about the importance of beauty in everyday life was taken up by William Morris in the field of crafts. Morris started the Arts and Crafts Movement that sought to bring new life to the traditional crafts s an alternative to industrial products. The ideas of the movement were spread by a highly influential magazine called The Studio which the Larssons subscribed to. The famous home at Sundborn was created jointly by Karin and Carl Larsson. Carl took an active part in the public life of the art world while Karin's contribution remained unrecognized right up to the 1980s. In fact Karin Larsson had received a thorough artistic training. She attended both what is now the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm – better known as Konstfack and the Academy of Fine Arts. She met Carl in Paris while he was studying there. After their marriage she gave birth to seven children in rapid succession. And so family life and managing the household took up her time and her professional life retired into the background. Karin never ceased to be creative but channelled this energy into furnishing Sundborn, for example. The home at Sundborn became her life work. For the house constantly changed in character to suit the shifting needs of the family. "Det är så förskräckligt utomhus. Det visslar i knutarna, och snön är inte snö, utan sylar, som alla leta sig in i ögonvrårna… Då, att få sig en lite vira! Här ser ni groggbrickan och teattrialjen, och Karin är ännu inte riktigt färdig med den allra sista avrundningen av det rent dekorativa, ty dit räknar sig munklikören, som hon tar ned från byffethyllan. I bakgrunden befinner sig själva sanktuarium, virabordet, ordnat av mig själv." Så beskriver Carl Larsson bilden "Till en liten vira" i boken "Larssons" som publicerades på Bonniers förlag 1902. Viran som omnämns var ett mycket populärt kortspel som uppfanns i Sverige på 1800-talet. Familjen Larsson hade när bilden målas bosatt sig permanent i sommarhuset i Sundborn, Dalarna. Carl Larsson skriver i sin självbiografi att det var Karin som gav honom idén att skildra sitt hem i bilder. Böcker om hemmet i Sundborn kom ut i mycket stora upplagor och bilderna spreds genom otaligt reproduktioner. Få hem i världen har fått sådan publicitet. För många är detta hem det svenskaste av det svenska, men makarna Larssons heminredningsideal var faktiskt mycket internationellt. De första Sundborn-akvarellerna visades på Stockholmsutställningen 1897. Författaren och ideologen Ellen Key såg dem och skrev artikeln "Skönhet i hemmen" som publicerades i tidskriften Idun. Key angrep det rådande inredningsmodet, "tyskeriet" som hon kallade det, med mörka tapeter, tunga dörrdraperier och gardiner, plyschklädda möbler och torkade blommor. I Carl Larssons akvareller fann hon det som skulle ersätta det gamla. Ellen Key och makarna Larsson hade tagit intryck av den brittiske författaren John Ruskins tankar om en skönare värld bortom industrialismens massproducerade varor. Skönhet och funktion måste enligt Ruskin samspela. Konsten och arkitekturen hade en moralisk uppgift att skapa förutsättningar för andlig hälsa, kraft och glädje. Ruskins lära om skönhetens betydelse i vardagslivet togs inom konsthantverket upp av William Morris. Morris grundande rörelsen Art and Crafts Movement som ville återuppliva hantverkstraditionen som alternativ till industrivaran. Rörelsens tankar och idéer spreds bland annat genom tidskriften The Studio, som makarna Larsson prenumererade på. Hemmet i Sundborn skapades av Karin och Carl tillsammans. Karin Larsson hade en gedigen konstnärlig utbildning från Tekniska skolan, nuvarande Konstfack, och Konstakademin. Hon träffade Carl i Paris när hon studerade där. Efter giftermålet fick paret i rask takt sju barn. Familjeliv och hushållsbestyr upptog mycket av hennes tid, och Karin slutade att mer eller mindre att måla. Hon fick utlopp för sin kreativitet i skapande av Sundborn. Det blev hennes livsverk. Ett allkonstverk som skiftade karaktär och förändrades i takt med att familjens behov ändrades. Carl Larsson har i målningen framställt hustrun Karin Bergöö enbart som mor och som hemmets vårdarinna. Hemmet i Sundborn i Dalarna var en skapelse av båda makarna Larsson men i bilderna därifrån försvinner Karins konstnärskap. De är därmed en del av den’ backlash’ som då drabbade den ’Nya kvinnan’, alla de yrkesarbetande kvinnor som lyckats etablera sig i det offentliga livet. Kring sekelskiftet 1900 ingick Sundborn i lanseringen av ett nytt nationellt inredningsideal och som en samhällelig modell. I nationalismen uppfattades den borgerliga mannen som familjens och nationens beskyddare medan kvinnorna placerades inom den privata sfären. Lilla Hyttnäs var i hög grad ett offentligt hem och Larssons nationella inredningsideal blev sedan vägledande för generationer av svenskar. Carl deltog aktivt i tidens konstliv men Karins insats förblev anonym ända fram till 1970-talet då feministiska forskare uppmärksammade bortglömda kvinnliga konstnärskap. Idag är Karin internationellt erkänd för sina banbrytande textilier och inredningar på Lilla Hyttnäs.