Anthony van Dyck, 1625 - A Genoese Lady with Her Child - fine art print

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Supplemental information by The Cleveland Museum of Art (© Copyright - by The Cleveland Museum of Art - The Cleveland Museum of Art)

Prior to the 1600s, large, full-length portraits of wealthy clients usually emphasized the trappings of status above any other qualities. The accuracy of the likeness and vivacity of the person remained subordinate to an easily readable sense of the sitter’s power and position in society. Artists such as Van Dyck transformed this tradition, which sent shockwaves through Genoa, instantly changing the direction of elite portraiture in the city. While the elaborate garb of this unidentified sitter and the scale of the image certainly mark her status, the warmth Van Dyck imparted to her face, the drama of the background, and the touching detail of the child spontaneously reaching upward add life, energy, and theatricality to the work.

Art product background information

A Genoese Lady with Her Child is a masterpiece painted by the male artist Anthony van Dyck. The work of art was made with the size: Framed: 266,5 x 184 x 12 cm (104 15/16 x 72 7/16 x 4 3/4 in); Unframed: 217,8 x 146 cm (85 3/4 x 57 1/2 in). Oil on canvas was used by the European artist as the technique for the masterpiece. Besides, the artwork forms part of the art collection of The Cleveland Museum of Art located in Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America. We are happy to mention that this artwork, which belongs to the public domain is supplied with courtesy of The Cleveland Museum of Art. Creditline of the artwork: Gift of the Hanna Fund. Moreover, alignment is in portrait format with a side ratio of 2 : 3, which implies that the length is 33% shorter than the width. Anthony van Dyck was a male translator, author, dramaturge, painter, theater director, etcher of Dutch nationality, whose art style can be attributed mainly to Baroque. The Dutch artist lived for 42 years - born in 1599 in Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium and died in 1641.

Product materials you can pick from

The product dropdown menu gives you the chance to pick the size and materialaccording to your personal preferences. You can choose among the following product customization options:

  • Poster print (canvas material): The poster is a printed canvas paper with a fine surface finish, that reminds the original masterpiece. It is suited for putting your art print using a custom frame. Please keep in mind, that depending on the absolute size of the canvas poster print we add a white margin 2 - 6cm round about the print motif, which facilitates the framing with your custom frame.
  • Canvas: A canvas print is a printed cotton canvas stretched on a wood frame. Your printed canvas of your favorite masterpiece will let you turn your into a large collection piece as you would see in a gallery. Hanging your canvas print: The great advantage of canvas prints is that they are relatively low in weight. This means, it is easy to hang up your Canvas print without extra wall-mounts. That is why, canvas prints are suitable for any type of wall.
  • Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating): An print on acrylic glass, often labelled as a fine art print on plexiglass, will convert your original into amazing décor and makes a great alternative option to aluminium or canvas fine art prints. The work of art will be manufactured with the help of state-of-the-art UV direct print technology. With an acrylic glass art print contrasts and also small painting details will be exposed thanks to the delicate gradation. The real glass coating protects your chosen fine art print against sunlight and heat for up to 6 decades.
  • Aluminium dibond: This is a metal print made on aluminium dibond with an impressive effect of depth. Its non-reflective surface make a contemporary look. The white and bright parts of the original artpiece shimmer with a silky gloss, however without the glow. This direct UV print on Aluminum Dibond is the most popular entry-level product and is a truly stylish way to showcase fine art reproductions, as it puts 100% of the viewer’s focus on the image.

Artist details table

Artist name: Anthony van Dyck
Additional names: Van Dyc, Van Dyk, Antoine Vandeik, Van Dyck Anthony, van dyck sir anthony, Wandih, V. Dyck, Dyck Antoon van, bandio, Vandique, Vandiq, Dyck Anthonis van, A. Vandyke, Van Dycke, Vandicch Antonio, Anthonius van Dyk, Anton van Dijck, Wan Dyck, Van Dych, Antoin Vandyk, von Deyck, Van-Deyck, Anthony van Dyck, A. Van Dik, Van Dick Anthony, Van Dijk, Anthonio van Dijk, Van. Dick, Anthony Vandycke, Van Dyck Antoon, Van-Dyk, After Van Dyck, Ant. Vandeick, Dyk, antonis van dyck, Ant. Vandyck, Van. Dyck, Anth. v. Dyck, Valdique, Dijck Antoon, Antonio Vandich, Bandiq, Antonio Vandichi fiamengho, Antoine van Dyk, anthonius van dyck, Van Dyke, Dyck Sir, Vandeyc, Ant. v. Dyck, Van Dyck Anton, van dyck a., Sr. Ant. Van. Dych, Vandyke Sir Anthony, Antonio Vandik Fiammingo, Dyck A. van, Van Dijck, Vandich, Dyck Anton van, v. Dychs, Vnaydke, Vandec, A. Vandyk, Anton van Dyck, Antoine Van Dick, Ant. von Dyck, Antoine van Dyck, Vannic, den Ridder van Dyk, Vandeic, Vandaich, Vandeck, Vendeich, Vau Dyke, Ant. Van Dyck, Anton von Deyck, Van Dyck Sir Anthony, von Dyk, A. van Dycl, Vannich, Vandeik Antoine, dyck van a., Valdiq, Anthonis van Dyck, Antoine Vandyck, An. Dyk, Vandech, Antoine Vandich, Vandik, Ant. Van Dick, Antonius van Dyck, Anthony Vandyck, Dijk Anthony van, dyck van, Vandich Antonio, comme de Van Dyck, anthonys van dyck, A. Vandyck, A. Vandick, Vandyck Anthony Sir, Antoine Van-Dyck, Ant Van Dyck, Ant. Vandeyck, V. Dycke, Vandicca, Dyke, Van Deick, A. von Dyck, Ant. Vandick, Sir Anthony van Dyck, Vandique Anttonio, Van-Deĭk Antoni, Vandyck Anthony, Antony van Dijck, Antonio Vandicch, V Dyck, Anth. Vandyke, Dyck Antoine van, Vandeich, Dyck Anthonie van, Mandique, van Dyijck, Dyck Antonie van, Van Dycke Anthony, van Deyck, Antonii van Dyck, Antonio Vandyck, Antoine Vandick, An. van Dyck, Chevaliér van Dyk, Vandicco, baldique, A. van Dyk, Vandino, A. v. Dyck, Anthony Van Dyck Sir, A. Vaudick, Bandique, A. Van Dick, Dyck Antonis van, Van-Dyck, Anttonio Vandique, bandic, Ant. Van-Dyck, Anthonis van Dijck, A. Dyck, V Dyck, Anthonie van Dyk, c., Anth. van Dyck, A. von Deyk, vandic, Antonie van Dyck, Dijck Anton van, Vandick Fiammengo, Vandyck Antonio, Antoni v. Deick, Wandick, Vandyck Sir Ant. Flem., Dyck Ant. van, Sir A. Vandyke, Vand Duyke, dyck van, Anton von Dyck, Antoine Wandick, Antonio van Dyk, Van Dyck Antonio, von Dyck, A Vandyke, Wan Dick, Van Dyck Anthonis, van dycke sir anthony, Antonio van Deyck, Sir Anthony Vandyck, van dyck a., von Deick, Ant Van Dick, Vandicche, Anton Vandyk, Dyck Anthony van, Van Daik Anton, dyck anton van, Vandycke Anthony, antoon van dyck, Wanclelfef, Sir Antonio Van Dyck, Anthonius van Dijck, Vandiche, antonys van dyck, Anthon van Dyck, Anton van Dyk, Dack, Antoine Van-Dick, A. v. Dyk, Van Vandyck, Bandeique, Antonio van Dyck, von Deycks, Van Dick, Van Dyck Anthonie, v. Dyk, Vandyck Sir Anthony, Wandyck, דייק אנטוני ואן, V. Dyke, Anthony van Dyk, Antonio von Dyk, Vandick A., A.v. Dyck, Dijck Sir Anthony van, Van Dyck Antoon Sir, A Van Dyck, A. V. Dyke, Antonio Vandik, Anthoni van Dyck, Wandich, Dyck Antoon, Van Dyk Anthony, Daĭk Antonis van, Van diq, Vandyck Sir Ant., Vandisco fiamengo, Van Dich, Dyck Anthonis van, Badic, Ant. v. Dyk, Antonio Vandych, Van-Dick, Antoine Vandik, A. Van Dyc, A. Van Dyck, Vandych, Dyck, Antonio van Deyc, Van Dyck Antoine, Vandyke, Van Dich Antonio, Antonio Dyck, Vandeique, Antoni van Dyk, Dyck Sir Anthony van, Deĭk Antoni van, Dijck Anthonie, Dyck Anthony van Sir, A. Vandyck. en Italie, Antony van Dyck, jan van dyck, Dyck Ant. van, Vandike, Anthony Vandyke, Vandichi, A. van Dijk, Van Dyck, Wandik, Ant.v. Dyck, Vandick, Antony van Dyk, van Dyck Anton., Antoni van Dyck, Ant. van Dyk, Dyk Anthonis van, Anthonij van Dijck, Vandik Antonio, Vandyck, sir a. van dyck, Anth. van Dyk, A. Vandych, Van Daĭk Antonis, Chev. Anton van Dyk, Antoine Vandyk, A.v. Dyk, Anthonie Van Dyck, Antt.o van Deyck, Vandyk, Ant v. Dyk, Dyck Anthonie, Vandycke, Vandyke Anthony, Sir A. Vandyck, Vandyck &amp, A. Vandik, Anton de Dück, Ban Dycq, Van Dyck Anthony Sir, Vandych Antonio, A. Van-Dick, Deick, Van Dyck School, Ant. van Dyks, After Vandyck, Antonio Wandik, Wandik Antonio, Sir Anthony Vandyke, A. van-Dyck
Gender: male
Artist nationality: Dutch
Jobs: translator, author, theater director, etcher, painter, dramaturge
Home country: the Netherlands
Classification of the artist: old master
Styles: Baroque
Lifetime: 42 years
Born in the year: 1599
Place of birth: Antwerp, Antwerpen province, Flanders, Belgium
Year of death: 1641
Died in (place): London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Structured artwork information

Title of the work of art: "A Genoese Lady with Her Child"
Classification of the artwork: painting
Generic term: classic art
Artwork century: 17th century
Created in the year: 1625
Age of artwork: 390 years old
Original medium: oil on canvas
Original artwork dimensions: Framed: 266,5 x 184 x 12 cm (104 15/16 x 72 7/16 x 4 3/4 in); Unframed: 217,8 x 146 cm (85 3/4 x 57 1/2 in)
Museum / location: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Museum location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America
Available at: The Cleveland Museum of Art
License of artwork: public domain
Courtesy of: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Creditline: Gift of the Hanna Fund

Structured article details

Product categorization: art print
Reproduction: digital reproduction
Production process: digital printing (UV direct print)
Production: produced in Germany
Stock type: on demand
Proposed product use: art reproduction gallery, wall art
Image alignment: portrait alignment
Image aspect ratio: (length : width) 2 : 3
Implication of image aspect ratio: the length is 33% shorter than the width
Available reproduction fabrics: canvas print, acrylic glass print (with real glass coating), poster print (canvas paper), metal print (aluminium dibond)
Canvas print (canvas on stretcher frame) variants: 20x30cm - 8x12", 40x60cm - 16x24", 60x90cm - 24x35", 80x120cm - 31x47", 100x150cm - 39x59"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) size options: 20x30cm - 8x12", 40x60cm - 16x24", 60x90cm - 24x35", 80x120cm - 31x47", 100x150cm - 39x59"
Poster print (canvas paper): 40x60cm - 16x24", 60x90cm - 24x35", 80x120cm - 31x47"
Dibond print (alumnium material): 20x30cm - 8x12", 40x60cm - 16x24", 60x90cm - 24x35", 80x120cm - 31x47"
Frame: not included

Legal disclaimer: We try everythig possible to depict the art products in as much detail as we can and to illustrate them visually in our shop. However, the pigments of the printing material and the print result might diverge to a certain extent from the presentation on your device's screen. Depending on your screen settings and the condition of the surface, color pigments may not be printed as exactly as the digital version on this website. Considering that all the are processed and printed manually, there may also be minor deviations in the motif's size and exact position.

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