Claude Monet, 1926 - Irises - fine art print

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Details on the original artpiece

Name of the painting: "Irises"
Classification of the artwork: painting
Category: modern art
Temporal classification: 20th century
Created in: 1926
Artwork age: around 90 years old
Medium of original artwork: oil on canvas
Size of the original artwork: 200 × 200,7 cm (78 3/4 × 79 in)
Original artwork inscription: signed w/estate stamp, l.r.: "Claude Monet"
Museum / collection: Art Institute Chicago
Place of museum: Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Available at:
License: public domain
Courtesy of: Art Institute Chicago
Artwork creditline: Art Institute Purchase Fund

Artist overview table

Artist: Claude Monet
Aliases: monet c., Monet Claude-Oscar, monet claude, C. Monet, Monet Claude Oscar, Monet Claude Jean, Monet Oscar Claude, Monet Claude, Claude Oscar Monet, Monet Oscar-Claude, Cl. Monet, Claude Monet, מונה קלוד, Monet, Mone Klod
Gender of the artist: male
Nationality of artist: French
Jobs of the artist: painter
Home country: France
Artist category: modern artist
Art styles: Impressionism
Lifespan: 86 years
Born: 1840
Born in (place): Paris, Ile-de-France, France
Year died: 1926
Deceased in (place): Giverny, Normandie, France

Article background data

Article categorization: fine art print
Reproduction method: reproduction in digital format
Production method: digital printing (UV direct print)
Product Origin: German production
Stock type: on demand
Proposed product use: wall picture, wall art
Artwork alignment: square alignment
Image ratio: 1 : 1
Implication: the length is equal to the width
Available product fabrics: canvas print, poster print (canvas paper), metal print (aluminium dibond), acrylic glass print (with real glass coating)
Canvas on stretcher frame (canvas print) options: 20x20cm - 8x8", 30x30cm - 12x12", 50x50cm - 20x20", 70x70cm - 28x28", 100x100cm - 39x39", 150x150cm - 59x59", 180x180cm - 71x71"
Acrylic glass print (with real glass coating) sizes: 20x20cm - 8x8", 30x30cm - 12x12", 50x50cm - 20x20", 70x70cm - 28x28", 100x100cm - 39x39", 150x150cm - 59x59", 180x180cm - 71x71"
Poster print (canvas paper): 30x30cm - 12x12", 50x50cm - 20x20", 70x70cm - 28x28", 100x100cm - 39x39"
Aluminium dibond print size variants: 20x20cm - 8x8", 30x30cm - 12x12", 50x50cm - 20x20", 70x70cm - 28x28", 100x100cm - 39x39"
Picture frame: not available

Selectable product materials

In the dropdown selection next to the product you can select a material and a size of your choice. The following sizes and materials are the options we offer you for individualization:

  • Poster on canvas material: The poster print is a UV printed flat cotton canvas paper with a slight structure on the surface. It is perfectly suited for putting the art replica with a custom-made frame. Please note, that depending on the absolute size of the poster print we add a white margin of approximately 2 - 6cm round about the artwork, which facilitates the framing with a custom frame.
  • The acrylic glass print: The acrylic glass print, often referenced as a print on plexiglass, will turn your favorite artwork into brilliant home decoration and offers a distinct alternative to aluminium and canvas prints. With an acrylic glass art print contrasts and minor color details become more exposed with the help of the subtle gradation. The plexiglass protects your custom fine art print against light and heat for up to 6 decades.
  • Aluminium dibond print: Aluminium Dibond prints are prints on metal with an impressive effect of depth. The Aluminium Dibond Print is the ideal start to art prints on aluminum.
  • Canvas print: The canvas print is a printed cotton canvas stretched on a wood frame. A canvas print has the advantage of being low in weight, which means that it is easy to hang the Canvas print without the use of extra wall-mounts. A canvas print is suitable for all types of walls.

Detailed product specifications

This 20th century artpiece was made by the artist Claude Monet. The original creation had the following size: 200 × 200,7 cm (78 3/4 × 79 in) and was painted on the medium oil on canvas. Signed w/estate stamp, l.r.: "Claude Monet" was the artwork's original inscription. This piece of art can be viewed in in the Art Institute Chicago's collection in Chicago, Illinois, United States of America. With courtesy of Art Institute Chicago (licensed - public domain). The creditline of the artwork is: Art Institute Purchase Fund. Moreover, alignment is square and has an aspect ratio of 1 : 1, meaning that the length is equal to the width. The painter Claude Monet was a European artist from France, whose style was mainly Impressionism. The European painter lived for a total of 86 years, born in 1840 in Paris, Ile-de-France, France and passed away in the year 1926.

Important legal note: We try whatever we can in order to describe our products with as many details as possible and to display them visually in our shop. Please bear in mind that the tone of the printing material, as well as the print result may diverge somehwat from the representation on the screen. Depending on the screen settings and the quality of the surface, not all color pigments can be printed as exactly as the digital version on this website. Considering that all our fine art prints are processed and printed manually, there may as well be slight deviations in the exact position and the size of the motif.

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